Dynamic URL for Web-Page Object

I would like to embed an external web page from the Account record and pass the Account's identifier number into the URL as a parameter.


For example, if I am on an Account record with ID 1234, I would like to pass this ID into the base URL so that the following URL is loaded.



Is this possible?  If so, how is this accomplished?

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I'm not sure I understand what you need. To get an Id of current record, use var id = this.get("Id"). To open new url, use window.open("http://www.mywebsite.com/mywebpage?ID="+id, "_blank")

Hi Peter

Thanks for replying.  I am asking about embedding an external web page within a tab on the Account record.  Using the Web-Page dashboard functionality, it exposes a text URL property, but it doesn't seem to have any settings to make the URL dynamic based on parameter values (i.e. the ID of the Account in context).


Dear James.

For embedded web page we use iframe technology. So it's not a bpmonline element and the only option to change url in iframe is using simple javascript. For example, you may add action that will change url in your widget:

    someFunction: function() {

               var myFrame = document.getElementById("t-comp193-webpage-widget"); // id of your iframe element you can find out from inspecting html

                if (myFrame) {

                    myFrame.src = "https://www.microsoft.com/net/"; // changing a link attribute



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