Button on section bar

Is it possible to put a button (or custom link) on the side bar, where sections are? If it's not possible with the current framework - do you think it would break something if such button was placed there using jQuery?

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Dear Carlos,

You may try add a usual custom section, put it at any workplace you want and then override init function in section module:

init: function() { window.location.href = "http://bpmonline.com"; }

After clicking on this section http://bpmonline.com page will be opened.

If everything works fine you can delete all unnecessary code created by Section Wizard leaving only the needed one to your section work properly.

You may add everything on the page using jquery but you should be careful with it. Of course you can break something if do it in a wrong way but it's related to any code that developers write.

Thank you very much, it worked.

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