
Folder & Filters - Filter Levels


Currently the section folders and filters has a single level to which you can create multiple conditions as single AND or single OR statement.

This is not very flexible and prevents accurate methods of filtering.

Feature Request

Allow for multiple levels of conditions, where each level has their own selector for the content within being and AND or OR inclusion. The root group level will start with the AND / OR definition, with sub levels created.

Here is an example where I need the filter logic to include either the status to be In Progress OR Planned, but the project name contains the keyword 'reference'. Currently this evaluates as an OR on each of these, where it should be status has the OR, with the outcome of that included as an AND for the name. In textual filter form this is (Name Contains 'reference' AND (status = 'In Progress' OR Status = 'Planned'))




Dear Mark,

The functionality that you are describing is already present in the bpm'online application. If you need to group several filtering conditions you can choose several of them by pressing "Ctrl" button and choosing them one by one and after that in actions you can choose "Group" (see screenshots -> As a result you can build difficult filters and group conditions in the way you need it for your business.

Best regards,



Working. Let's change the feature request to make it more obvious this can be done.

Thanks for the pointer

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