Removing "Data Import" From Portal Users Actions Menu

Hello, in the Actions drop down menu in the portal users cases section, there is a standard option for data import. is there a way to remove that option, but leave the other options?

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Hello, Mitch!

This is a known bug and it will be fixed in future bpm'online releases (i.e., it simply shouldn't be there by default). As far as I know, if the user clicks the "Data import" button, they will see an error. 

If you'd like to add an additional level of security, I suggest removing access rights to the Excel import operation for all portal users in the [Operation permissions] section. You can learn more in the following article - Operation permissions.


For the time being, a possible workaround - In the [Configuration] section, create a replacing schema for this section with the following code:

getSectionActions: function() {
    var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments);
    return actionMenuItems;

Hope this helps!

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