
Business rule: Make field required


I'm trying to make the field Supplier required in an invoice but it doesn't work. Please help me.

Here is the screenshot of the business rule and it result when I save it (after applyed it). Thanks.



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If you need to make this field always required, then there is much easier way. To do so, please open Section wizard and set this field as required on the edit page:

Regarding the error you get while saving this rule, it means that you have some compilation errors. To check it, please go to System Designer -> Advanced settings -> Configuration tab and click on 'Compile all items':

Please wait until it is completed and you will get a pop up window with errors that need you to be fixed. After you fix the errors, please compile all items again and try to save changes in Section wizard.

Best regards,


Thank you for your answer.


Hi Lily, what happens if the fields must be defined requiered due some condition due anothe field value?, How must configure this? I tried using Business Rules, but isn't easy because you must create one bussiness rule for each field and in my case I need to evaluate several ones.

Thanks in advance

Dear Julio,

You can specify a few conditions in one rule: 

Best regards,


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