
Cannot import package because of a section



I developped a package, which I try to import on another instance of bpm'online.

In this package, I created an object (by creating a section). It works perfectly, but when I try to import this package, I get a sql error: 

The UPDATE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK..." in "dbo.SysModuleEntity"

This constraint is related to the SysModuleEntityId, but I cannot figure out how  to fix it.

In my package, I have all schemas used, and I also have a 'data' containing the link to my section

Thanks !

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It really seems like you're missing some dependencies or bindings. Try deleting all data bindings from your package and import package again to find out if the reason is in the data. If it so you should look deeper into your bindings. If not find the difference between applications. You may also compare SysModuleEntity tables to understand what record the destination table could miss.

Thanks for your answer.

Actually, as you suggested, I imported my package without datas, and it worked. I also figured my section had no SysModuleEntityId (table "SysModuleEntity").

Also, bpm doesn't know this section, since it doesn't appear in Configuration->Data->Sections..

How can I manually add the missing SysModuleEntity ? Everything else appears in the package :(

Actually, your section is not necessarily must be present in SysModuleEntity. It is more possible that you made mistake in some bindings. For example, when you bind orders and not bind accounts from that orders you can get similar error. So try bind data step by step and pay attention to connections between your data. 

Peter Vdovukhin,

Thanks for your answer. I figured out the problem, for some reasons, some of my data bidings were set in another package ...

Now it works fine !

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