Link to object shows link to DEV environment how to fix

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Thank you for your question. We are asking you to kindly elaborate more on the issue. A brief step-by-step instruction would be much appreciated.


Best regards,


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Hello, when I change Owner, type section also should change, please help how can i do that?

Thanks so much in advanced.

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You need to set the value for the "type" column using a client-side code and this.set method. This should be added to the "Owner" attribute modification handler method (the handler example was provided in this post for example).


Best regards,


You can see an article on how to wire up change events on the page here:…

As far as setting the value of the Type lookup, a lookup needs an object with two properties to display properly, (1) a value property (the Id of the lookup item) and (2) displayValue (the text of the lookup item). You'd set it like this: 

this.set("Type", {
    value: theIdOfTheTypeItem,
    displayValue: theTextOfTheTypeItem

This article on getting started with client side code for Creatio might help…


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I have a Business Process that creates Leads based on incoming mails. The scenario that creates a problem is- Person- X recommends person- Y and sends a recommendation mail. Now receiving this Mail the BP creates a new Lead. Meanwhile person-Y sends a mail describing His needs, following which the BP gets triggered and creates a new Lead for this mail. Currently both the mail refers to Person-Y, and 2 leads are created for Person-Y.  I need to avoid this duplicate Lead creation. I tried to use "Setup duplicate rules" option, but both mails have different names and email ID.

How to avoid this duplicates Lead creation?


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Hello Angel,

It is difficult to give an exact answer, but you can try the following approach.

Try to add a search for similar leads to the process of creating leads from the business process.

You can add conditional flows that will check duplicates in the system under certain conditions and direct the process to the appropriate branch.

Best regards,



 yes we have planned to use conditional flows to check the lead email Id if it is same merge the records or kept them as it is. Thank you Bogdan

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Hi Community,

I wanted to bind the access rights data of a dashboard. I tried to bind the data of the dashboard using sysdashboard and filtering it for a particular section. I then exported the package and uploaded in another instance and found that the access rights were not bound. 

Can anyone guide me on how to bind the access rights of a section dashboard.


Thank you

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