How do you add a dashboard page as a section in Freedom UI? I have an existing dashboard page which I want users to be able to access as though it were its own section, but I can't add the existing page to the workplace as it doesn't exist in the lookup window. I had a look at creating a new section in the application hub, but this will either create a new entity or have to be based over an existing entity, but this dashboard isn't based over any one particular entity and presumably doing this would create a new Section page which I didn't want. Any info on how to turn an existing page into a Section in Freedom UI?

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Hi Pavlo, Essentially I want to create a standalone section page, so one that isn't tied to a specific entity or have to be created using the section template in the application hub.

Yes, using Freedom UI exclusively.

And the page I have created is inherited from the Homepage exactly. Is it possible to register this page as a section page?

Hi Harvey!

Please confirm, am I understanding correctly that you want to replace the section ListPage with your own page containing dashboards?

Is your dashboard page implemented in FreedomUI?

Which page does this page inherit from? Is it the Homepage?

Hi Pavlo, Essentially I want to create a standalone section page, so one that isn't tied to a specific entity or have to be created using the section template in the application hub.

Yes, using Freedom UI exclusively.

And the page I have created is inherited from the Homepage exactly. Is it possible to register this page as a section page?



In general, there isn't a built-in feature for this. However, for such usage, we have the option to set a Homepage for the workplace. You can set this page instead of the current one.


But if you need two of your dashboard pages to be on the same workplace and displayed as a section, you can create a new section in the Freedom UI and replace its SectionSchemaUId with the UId of your dashboard page schema.

update "SysModule" set "SectionSchemaUId" = 'UId of dashboard schema module' where "Id" =  'Id of the section you want to open with the dashboard'


For example, I successfully set the SalesEnterpriseHomePage to open from the test section.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Pavlo, we already have a page being used as the Home page of the workplace the additional dashboard needs to reside in, so we had to do the database editing you suggested to get it to work, which it now does - thank you! This would be a very useful option to be able to do without custom SQL, no code being the aim of Creatio config going forward!

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Hello all,


Is there a way that I can control what data Creatio binds automatically when I make saves in the section wizard? I'm trying to make edits to an application and Creatio keeps incorrectly binding a section to a workplace not included in that application meaning I have to always remove the binding before doing test installs, otherwise the install fails.

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Hi Kevin,

There is no such option for now.


But we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 




I recommend checking the academy article on Automatic data binding to find more details on how this functionality works. 

Mira Dmitruk,

This link doesn't work.

And I would like to vote for making this functionality optional. We don't transfer Workplaces and binding to our customers - they used to organize workplaces by themselves, so deleting automatic binding is extra headache for us

Kind regards,


Vladimir Sokolov,


We are sending you the instructions once again:…. As you were informed earlier, there is currently no way to control what data Creatio binds automatically when making saves in the section wizard.

However, we have registered this idea to our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


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I'm trying to remove sections from "+" button in the resource container. Can someone please help?

Also, can this be handled via access permissions?


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This is done by modifying the "Quick add records menu" lookup. Add/remove objects to that lookup to change this menu.


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Hello Community,

In the Mobile app there is no trace of the Filters in the Sections (Accounts, Contacts)

Filters seem to appear only in the Activities Section.

How should i add the filter (icon and functionality) to the most used Creatio sections (Accounts,Contacts) etc ?

Best regards,


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Filters are present in sections Accounts and Contacts in mobile applications in the latest versions.

Please try updating your mobile application to the latest available version.

If it doesn't fix the issue, please email us at and we will check the matter for you.


Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

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Can we hide a section from a workplace for a certain time frame?




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If you need to hide the section for some time for a specific user or group of users/role, you can simply remove the section for the needed time from a Workplace in which the user/group of users or specific user role is working and once needed add it to the Workplace again. 

You may also consider creating a separate Workplace for this user/users so it will be easier to manage. 

However, the user will still be able to access records or a section by a direct link for example, if you need to prevent it, we'd suggest considering changing access rights for the object for the user/user role. 

If we are talking about hiding a section for a specific timeframe, for example from 4 to 5 pm each day, such implementation can be done only by means of additional development. 


Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

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Hello Creatio community,

We're trying to hide/show items in print section button based on specific conditions. The filter works fine in section page and edit page but it doesn't work when we try to open the edit page from the section page.

When we try to open the edit page from the section list the filter that we have made in both section and page doesn't apply and all the items in print button are displayed. Examples below.


1. Print button in section list

2. Print button when we open edit page (from reload)

3. Print button when edit page is open from application section list


Application page:

        preparePrintFormsMenuCollection: function (printForms) {
                printForms.eachKey(function (key, item) {
                    if(key =="ebd9e198-9d05-21b7-6d30-4f79eb6cf2ea")
                        item.set("Visible", true);
                        item.set("Visible", false);
                }, this);

Application section:

            isSectionPrintFormEnabled: function(reportId) {
                if (!this.isAnySelected()) {
                    return false;
                if (this.isSingleSelected() && !this.get("SelectAllMode")) {
                    var applicationId = this.$ActiveRow;
                    if(reportId == "ebd9e198-9d05-21b7-6d30-4f79eb6cf2ea"){
                        return true;
                    return false;
                } else {
                    const reportCollection = this.get(this.moduleSectionPrintFormsCollectionName);
                    const report = reportCollection.get(reportId);
                    return (report && report.get("PrintFormType") !== Terrasoft.ConfigurationEnums.ReportType.Word) || !this.get("SelectAllMode");

The function "preparePrintFormsMenuCollection" is called every time the application page is opened. When the application page is opened from the section list (combined mode) the print button is not reloaded and keeps the older values.

How can we reload the items of the print button when the edit page is opened from section page?



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Hello Lirzae,

You could try the following. When a row is selected in the section, retrieve the collections of printables for the section, then look through and set the Visible property based on the values of the selected row. Something like this: 

rowSelected: function(primaryColumnValue) {
    // get data for selected row
    var row = this.getGridData().get(primaryColumnValue)
    // get printables collection
    var reportCollection = this.get(this.moduleSectionPrintFormsCollectionName);
    Terrasoft.each(reportCollection, function(report) {
            if (row.get("UsrSomeField") == "Some Value" && report.get("Id") == "TheReportId") {
                report.set("Visible", false);
            else {
                report.set("Visible", true);
    }, this);

Note, I've not tried that before so not sure if it will work, but that is what I would attempt first. Also, the fields available in the "row" variable would depend on the column layout of the section. If you need to ensure a value is available, you'll want to add that to the section ESQ like this: 

initQueryColumns: function(esq) {
    if (!esq.columns.contains("UsrSomeField")) {


Ryan Farley,


I tried using "rowselected" method but this only works in section list page. When I try to open the edit page from section list the print button shows all the items.

The other method that I used "preparePrintFormsMenuCollection" is called when the edit page is opened but doesn't reload the print button items. 


Is there any other method that can reload print button items when the edit page is opened from the section list?

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Hi Team,


I'm looking for a solution where I can fetch the list of records from a section if the value of any three fields that i enter in the edit page form of a new record match with the current entry field values.


For example : In my current record I enter the values as follows for the customer CustomerA:

Field1 = 1;

Field2 = 2;

Field3 = 3;

Field4 = 4;

Field5 = 5;


Existing entries :

entry 1 : CustomerB

Field1 = 1;

Field2 = 2;

Field3 = 3;

Field4 = 6;

Field5 = 9;


entry 2 : CustomerC

Field1 = 3;

Field2 = 2;

Field3 = 3;

Field4 = 4;

Field5 = 9;


entry 3 : CustomerD

Field1 = 10;

Field2 = 12;

Field3 = 33;

Field4 = 62;

Field5 = 91;


then, in this case system should be able to fetch the entry with customer names-CustomerB and CustomerC  in a list and display in a dialogBox .


Kindly help.

Many thanks in advance.


best regards,




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Please, specify the problem in more detail, what are the user's steps when reproducing it, what is the actual result and what is expected.

Screenshots are highly appreciated and will help us to find the best solution for you.

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I have created custom sections on the dev environment, and installed the package to the production environment.

When i try to apply object permissions in production, only the existing sections appear and not my custom sections.

Noting that i can see my sections in the workplace management interface.


Has anyone encountered this problem before ?


Thank you


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You need to check several options:

- Сheck that the object has no publishing errors, and compile the application. 

- Check the rights to the section/workspace and that the user has the right license.

- Check the mapping in the SysModul table. It is possible that the section was added to the same workplace twice and there are some duplicates at the database level, in this case, the section will simply not show up. You need to delete the entries at the database level and add the section again.


If the above tips do not help, it is better to contact technical support.

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I have a question about the feed tab. 

I do want to ask you if there's any out of the box possibility to change the permissions for a user. I don't want to let a user to edit or delete his own comment posted in the feed tab, but the manager should have access to those 2 functionalities.

Can I implement this without code?


Thank you,

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If you want to configure the deletion permissions please use Permission to delete messages and comments:image.png

Permission to delete messages and comments gives permission to delete messages and comments left by other users in the [Feed] section, on the [Feed] tab of the Notification Panel, and on the [Feed] tab of the view and edit pages of the system sections.

Please note, that there is no possibility to deny permission to users to delete their own messages and comments even if they do not have access permissions to this system operation.

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Is it possible to add an Account section in the same workplace. So there will be 2 Account sections in 1 workplace.

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In order to add the same section to a workplace you ned to run the following script in the database, since it's not possible to do so from a Workplace setup:


insert into "SysModuleInWorkplace" ("SysWorkplaceId", "SysModuleId")

values ('_inser_ID_here_', '_inser_ID_here_')


So you need to find the ID of the needed section in the SysModuleId table + an ID of the workplace where you want to put add it in the SysWorkplaceId table.


It should look like this once you paste the needed IDs (please note that this is only an example):


insert into "SysModuleInWorkplace" ("SysWorkplaceId", "SysModuleId")

values ('f4cd2a9b-1312-4d26-9205-c09e8ba56218', '005063c9-8180-e011-afbc-00155d04320c')


We would like to warn you, that though it is possible to add the same section to a workplace, we do not recommend doing so as this behavior wasn't tested and may result in unexpected issues. Also, we highly recommend testing it on a dev/test environment first to make sure it works as you need it.


Kind regards,




In order to add the same section to a workplace you ned to run the following script in the database, since it's not possible to do so from a Workplace setup:


insert into "SysModuleInWorkplace" ("SysWorkplaceId", "SysModuleId")

values ('_inser_ID_here_', '_inser_ID_here_')


So you need to find the ID of the needed section in the SysModuleId table + an ID of the workplace where you want to put add it in the SysWorkplaceId table.


It should look like this once you paste the needed IDs (please note that this is only an example):


insert into "SysModuleInWorkplace" ("SysWorkplaceId", "SysModuleId")

values ('f4cd2a9b-1312-4d26-9205-c09e8ba56218', '005063c9-8180-e011-afbc-00155d04320c')


We would like to warn you, that though it is possible to add the same section to a workplace, we do not recommend doing so as this behavior wasn't tested and may result in unexpected issues. Also, we highly recommend testing it on a dev/test environment first to make sure it works as you need it.


Kind regards,


Mira Dmitruk,

Thank you. It works..

I have already put the same section in 1 Workpalce. So there will be 2 section in 1 Workplace. Next question is, can we change on of section Account to another name?

Ahmad Bagus Ariyanto,


Please note that it is not possible to change the name only for one of them since this is the same object shown twice and if you change the name of one of them, the other one will change too.


Kind regards,



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