Hello everyone,

I would like to calculate sales KPI and show them in dashboard like Last year to date, year to date sales, calculate the year to date difference and also made it also in percentage.


First I tried with a list and used pivot table to calculate these KPIs but I encounter a case wich if an account made an order this year but not the previous year, an error : divide by 0 occurs. I can't use any operators in the formula to avoid this case.


So I tried another solution by using the "calculated metrics" plugin to calculate the difference in sales since the beginning of the year and the difference in sales since the beginning of the last year as a percentage.

This works but the display is only in the form of metric values, is it possible to build a column dashboard with the metric data as input?


Can I create an object from my metric data and use it in a dashboard ?

Or even a function that takes order.account.owner as currentUser and returns the data?

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Unfortunately, it is impossible to change the display of the dashboard from the Calculated metrics add-on using basic methods.


Regarding the "Divide by zero error encountered" error, to avoid this error, you can add +0.01 /(last year to date + 0.01) to the value by which the division is performed, but this will cause a slight difference in the calculations.


You can also add filtering to the Pivot table so that records with the value "last year to date" are not included in the list, so division by 0 will not occur and you will avoid the display error.


We have created a task for our development team to investigate and develop a mechanism to address this error in future versions of the application as the error occurs at the database level.


Thank you!

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Is it possible to make same date picker as for pipeline but for the List? 


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Best reply


In Classic UI, there is unfortunately no option to change the date in the dashboard list. However, in Freedom UI, you have this option:

Link to article: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/customizatio…


In Classic UI, there is unfortunately no option to change the date in the dashboard list. However, in Freedom UI, you have this option:

Link to article: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/customizatio…

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We are finding that changes made to text colors on home page labels does not appear to change after saving and viewing in the UI.  The only color that shows is black or white.  This is on the latest version of creatio.  anyone else seeing this issue?  Support ticket has been entered but just curious.

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Hi Chris!


We noticed that you have sent us a request on our support email. 

We have provided you with the answer in that request.


The main cause is overrides in specificity of custom CSS styles.


Have a nice day!


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Hi all,


How to limit the list view to a certain number of records in the Freedom UI home page dashboards?

For example, is there a way for us to limit the list view to show the top 10 records based on the static conditions defined?


Thank you



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Unfortunately, it is not possible to do it by means of basic functionality.

We have registered an idea and forwarded it to our R&D team for further review.

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Hello All!


We would like to display Section Analytics Dashboards in the portal, but we are having trouble making them appear. I have been able to get the Dashboard button to appear in our custom section, and it opens the Dashboard view, but no dashboards appear even though I have set the permissions for external users to view the dashboards. 


The Main Portal page displays analytics dashboards, so what must be done to allow the Section Analytics Dashboards to display in the portal. Is there a certain file or files that must be overridden and altered to allow for the display of the dashboards, and if so, which files and methods? Any guidance would be much appreciated!


Thank you!


Like 6



Hello Chris,



This is an expected behavior of the system.

As for now, there is no way to add a "Dashboards" section to a portal and we have a suggestion created for our R&D team on this topic.  

It doesn't depend on the type of portal license distributed to the user and it can't be done via OOB tools. 

Currently, dashboards can be added only to the portal main page, using the "Set up portal main page" tool in the system designer.


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Hello community,

Is it possible to refresh a dashboard widget in an AccountPageV2 schema, without reloading the whole entity?

Thank you,


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HI community,

Any update regarding this question?




We have checked this and unfortunately it is not possible to set this up in the system using basic tools. However, we already registered this idea for our R&D team and such functionality may appear in future releases.

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Hi Team,

I have created a simple Dasboard Widget on AccountPageV2 (printscreen from Section Wizard) on Environement 1.

However when i deploy the package, the created dashboard widget doesnt appear in the Environment 2.

I open the section wizard from Environment 2  and the dashboard looks like this:



Form Console I get:

How can I fix this ?


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Hi community!

Any update on this issue ?


Hello Sasori,

When dashboards are added to an edit page, the corresponding records are created in SysWidgetDashboard and SysWidgetDashboardLcz tables.

If a dashboard is added not to an edit page but to the "Dashboards" tab, then records will be added in the SysDashboard and SysDashboardLcz tables, respectively.


Also, there is also a corresponding binding of these data to the package which was set as a current package when the dashboards were created.

The thing is that dashboards are localizable system objects. When a dashboard is created, records are created in two tables:

- a record about a dashboard created in the localization, which corresponds to the base culture of the system, is created in the [SysWidgetDashboard]/[SysDashboard] table;

-records about dashboards of all other localizations are created in the [SysWidgetDashboardLcz]/[SysDashboardLcz] table and are linked to a record in the [SysWidgetDashboard]/[SysDashboard] table by the [RecordId] column.

So basically, all you need to do is to prepare a package which will contain all the needed data bindings and SQL scenarios which will perform the records' entry to the tables mentioned above.

More information on data binding is on our academy.

Also, knowledge of SQL might be needed in order to find the needed dashboard in the database, although you can always create a lookup and search via UI. 

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Hello team,


I would like to monitor the synchronizations of email addresses opening incidents in Creatio.


I would therefore like to create a dashboard indicating for each of the email addresses declared in MailboxForIncidentRegistration the number of emails received per day.

Except that I don't know in which tables the received emails are stored, can someone help me on the subject?


Thank you in advance for your assistance.



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Dear Vincent,


Thanks for your question. 


To display the number of cases registered by email, you may build the dashboard with a filter by Case Source and Case Category that were indicated in lookup "List of mailboxes for case registration". 


In case you wish to build the dashboard based on email from which the case was registered, please consider creating a column where the info about emailbox will be recorded and saved. 


If additional questions arise, feel free to get back to us. 


Best regards,




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Dear mates,

Here is two weeks i m looking for building a dynamic homepage for a custom section.


I created a marketing section which has a child object (a detail) for the emailing channel.

I would like to display on my homepage, a select from the emailing detail which, once selected, displays the list of opportunities and orders linked to the detail. On order and opportunity objects, a lookup has been added containing the id of the emailing detail.


Desired Form:


is it possible to achieve this with the no code tools of Creatio ?

if yes, which home page should I select to be able to build this type of report ?


Thank you in advance !




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Hello Nicolas!


Please try setting up a business rule to show or hide page elements under specific conditions.

You can find more information on how to set up business rules in the Freedom UI pages in this article on the Creatio Academy:



Best regards,


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Dear mates,

In one of our dashboard block, i want to display the sum of the opportunity value.

It works fine, but the currency is $

How can i change it to € ?

Thank you !


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