I have been working on Product section page which has the detail of Features. The detail has a small form which suggest to select particular feature and it automatically filters the Type of feature (String, Boolean, Integer, Double, List item) then I can fill value or select from lookup (list item type).

On the Feature's detail page there are columns created for each type and are combined in a columns container. There are also business rules which will show particular column replacing the Columns container.

Here is the screenshot of Feature detail - 

I would like to know how we can combine columns so that they can be replaced later according to the business rules.

Right now I can place each column in a row on the section page and then hide them using business rules. That will also create empty spaces on the page. So how can I create Column container which will not show empty spaces of hidden columns.

Can anyone please tell ?

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Hello Ramnath, 

It can be done in a two different ways:

1) You can bind "colSpan" to your own attribute and set it to 0  when hiding conditions are met. 

2.) Set "display: none" style for the fields that should be hidden when the hiding conditions are met

Kind regards,


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I have created a Virtual Object called "Validable lookup" inherited from a "Base lookup" (of Base package), added some columns ("Effective date"/"Expiration date") into that. Then I have created a real Object named "Product" inherited from that Virtual Object. So, the inheritance diagram is like:

(Product - real) -> (Validable lookup with 2 additional columns - virtual) -> (Base lookup - virtual)

Now I'm trying to create a lookup in System Designer -> Lookups section. Unfortunately it sees only 2 additional columns (Effective/Expires) and doesn't see base columns "Name" nor "Description".

Screenshot of Lookup Manager:

Screenshot of a manual columns setup:

Both columns actually persist in DB table "...Product".

I'm using Sales Enterprise on PostgreSQL.

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Best reply

Maybe, first thing you did, inherited from 'base object', but then you thought this was wrong parent, changed it to 'Base lookup'. I had this issue.

I did this: 

Went to configuration, opened my object (in your case it's 'Validable lookup'), removed parent 'Base lookup', clicked anywhere in empty space, then picked 'Base object' as a parent object, removed it as well, clicked, and returned 'Base lookup' as a parent object again)) Saved, published and that worked for me.

Dear Artur,

We tried to reproduce the issue, however we were not able to face it. The system worked properly on our side. All columns were displayed correctly. Please see the screenshots below:




Please try to compile the application.

For more detailed assistance, please contact technical support.

Best regards,


Maybe, first thing you did, inherited from 'base object', but then you thought this was wrong parent, changed it to 'Base lookup'. I had this issue.

I did this: 

Went to configuration, opened my object (in your case it's 'Validable lookup'), removed parent 'Base lookup', clicked anywhere in empty space, then picked 'Base object' as a parent object, removed it as well, clicked, and returned 'Base lookup' as a parent object again)) Saved, published and that worked for me.

Alex Zaslavsky, thank you much! It finally worked =)

Artur Shelekhov-Balchunas,

lol. I'm glad it helped.

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Hi , 

How can we integrate whatsapp with bpm'online. Looking for answers. 



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Hello Shailey,

In the current version of the application there is no out-of-the-box feature that allows WhatsApp integration and our R&D team has a task to add this functionality in one of nearest versions.

Currently you can use this marketplace add that allows to integrate WhatsApp with bpm'online https://marketplace.bpmonline.com/app/beesender-operator-bpmonline.

Best regards,


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I have the following requirement:

My organisational structure contains the following roles: VP Sales (1), Sales Manager (2), Sales Team Lead (4), Sales Rep (20)

Each of these roles has the number of employees detailed in the bracket behind the role name meaning that due to the size of the sales team the sales reps are working in 4 different equal teams. Each team reports to an individual Team Lead. The 4 Team Leaders report to 2 different Sales Managers who in turn report to one VP of Sales.

Each of these levels needs to be able to see only the organisation reporting to her/him - either direct or indirect. For example the VP can see everybody's tasks and opportunities and Dashboards are showing the data of the whole sales organisation. Each of the two Sales Managers can only see the data for themselves and of their respective organisation. The Team Leaders can only see their own data and of their organisation. 

Since there are several equal employees sharing the same roles (Sales Manager, Sales Team Lead) it is not possible to use the role structure to prevent Manager 2 from having access to the team information of Manager 1.

The only possible way I can see this to be possible would be to create one role per Manager (hence 2 roles with the same security) and one Role per Team Lead (hence 4 roles with the same security). This however is cumbersome and really hard to maintain during restructuring and new team member on-boarding. 

I am wondering if the Manager column in the Employee section can be utilized to define the reporting structure.     

How else can this requirement be achieved?

thanks a lot


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I am facing the same challenge :(

What if avoid using the "Managers" role and just create different roles for all groups: sales1, sales2, sales1managers, sales2managers, salesgeneralmanagers and so on? Give different access permissions to each of the groups and they will not see other data.

I had the same idea but this is not sustainable for the customer. All they want to do is to set the Manager of each person and by doing this create sort of a hierarchy. So each Manager can see the info from their own organisation below them without having to duplicate and maintain duplicate security details. 

It's a very hard and very complex structure. Once they create that access rights inheritance they will never figure out what exactly can see a specific group manager. 

In general, there are 2 access right groups: static and dynamic. 

Static: access to sections, operations, objects, columns, etc.

Dynamic: access to records.

You can specify static access rights even personally for each person. It's not hard.

If we're talking about dynamic access rights then you'll need to specify the pairs: created by -> give access to.

Just create a separate group for each manager, and create a separate group for each manager's employees.

Then specify Created by employeesGroup -> visible to managersGroup. 

Created by employeesGroup -> visible to managersGroupLevel2 

and so on for each level of hierarchy minus one. The latest level in hierarchy is "system administrators". They see everything by default. 

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I am having a recurring issue occur in BPM when I delete lookup objects and fields, I have deleted the lookup object “Exchange Rate Lookup” and removed the fields from the pages where they were inserted however the page will not save in setup wizard and gives me this error:

After removing the columns from the Exchange Rate Object, the DB will not modify in Configuration, I get the following error:

At this point there is no lookup object and no lookup fields on any of the other custom objects in the package. Any Ideas as to how to get the update and compile working would be great. 


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You can check logs to find more detailed error on why db cannot be updated for specified object. Also please note that we do not recommend deleting data from configuration - this can lead to unpredictable issues if they are not deleted correctly. 

Angela Reyes,

Hi, Which Logs in particular? there are several in the file system. Also the package was not deleted from base configuration, but the package and all associations were between a custom object i had created and replacing objects I had also made so none of the changes, including deleting the custom object should affect the base packages.

Vishay Kerai,

You can check Error log file for any details. Base packages are not affected - your custom object cannot be published correctly. This can happen if some data was deleted directly from configuration. 

Angela Reyes,

Yes, i cannot publish the object that is the issue, so is there a solution for this?

I have found the error file, it says the reference schema is deserialised from the metadata. the Schema UId ir refers to is not in the package(checked the UId's of all the other package elements). I have attached the error log file below, how do I go about solving this so the DB can compile sucessfully?

2019-10-23 08:44:44,646 [36] ERROR IIS APPPOOL\BPMOnline Terrasoft LogEmptyReferenceSchema - ReferenceSchema set to null;schemaName: ; referenceSchemaUId: 8d73a1af-df6c-4675-9f55-88c5d242a4fc; IsDeserializedFromMetaData: False; stackTrace: 

   at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)

   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaProperty.LogEmptyReferenceSchema()

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaProperty.get_ReferenceSchema()

   at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchemaColumn..ctor(EntitySchemaColumn source)

   at Terrasoft.DB.MSSql.MSSqlMetaScript.CreateColumnIndex(ColumnAction columnAction)

   at Terrasoft.Core.DB.DBMetaScript.AddColumnIndexDeletingActions(DBMetaActionCollection actions, ColumnAction columnAction)

   at Terrasoft.Core.DB.DBMetaScript.AddColumnDeletingActions(DBMetaActionCollection actions, EntitySchema entitySchema, String entitySchemaName, EntitySchemaColumn entitySchemaColumn)

   at Terrasoft.DB.MSSql.MSSqlMetaScript.AddColumnDeletingActions(DBMetaActionCollection actions, EntitySchema entitySchema, String entitySchemaName, EntitySchemaColumn entitySchemaColumn)

   at Terrasoft.Core.DB.DBMetaScript.AddColumnsDeletingActions(DBMetaActionCollection actions, EntitySchemaAction entitySchemaAction)

   at Terrasoft.Core.DB.DBMetaScript.AddEntitySchemaEditingActions(DBMetaActionCollection actions, EntitySchemaAction entitySchemaAction)

   at Terrasoft.DB.MSSql.MSSqlMetaScript.AddEntitySchemaEditingActions(DBMetaActionCollection actions, EntitySchemaAction entitySchemaAction)

   at Terrasoft.DB.MSSql.MSSqlMetaScript.<>c__DisplayClass78_0.<AddEntitySchemaSavingActions>b__0()

   at Terrasoft.Core.DB.DBMetaScript.ExecuteWithDBElementCache(String schemaName, Action action)

   at Terrasoft.DB.MSSql.MSSqlMetaScript.AddEntitySchemaSavingActions(DBMetaActionCollection actions, EntitySchema entitySchema, Boolean saveAdditionalSchemas)

   at Terrasoft.Core.DB.DBMetaScript.AddEntitySchemaWithAdditionalSchemasSavingActions(DBMetaActionCollection actions, EntitySchema entitySchema, Boolean forceUpdateStructure)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.AddEntitySchemasSavingActions(DBMetaActionCollection actions, EntitySchema schema, String packageName, Boolean forceUpdateStructure)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.InstallSchemasDBStructure(IEnumerable`1 schemaDescriptors, ActionsConfig actionsConfig, Boolean continueIfError, Boolean batchExecute, Boolean forceUpdateStructure, Boolean updateDbStructureOnceForEachSchemaName)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.InstallRequiredSchemasDBStructure(Boolean continueIfError)

   at Terrasoft.WebApp.WorkspaceExplorerModule.OnUpdateDBStructureForRequiredMenuItemClick(Object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)

   at Terrasoft.UI.WebControls.Controls.ComponentAjaxEvent.OnEvent(Object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)

   at Terrasoft.UI.WebControls.Controls.ScriptManager.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)

   at Terrasoft.UI.WebControls.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)

   at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

   at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

   at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest()

   at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStepImpl(IExecutionStep step)

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ResumeSteps(Exception error)

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.BeginProcessRequestNotification(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb)

   at System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context)

   at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)

   at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)

   at System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompletion(IntPtr pHandler, RequestNotificationStatus& notificationStatus)

   at System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompletion(IntPtr pHandler, RequestNotificationStatus& notificationStatus)

   at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)

   at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)


Vishay Kerai,

Deleting in the configuration section is prohibited at all. Please never do that again. 

As for now, the best solution is rolling back the system from the backup that was made before deleting the column.

Alternatively, try to check the columns in the database. They should match the object columns. Disable logging, if it was enabled for the object. Try to generate source code for all items, then compile all items. Try to update the database structure for the object (in the right-click menu). Check the exception if it appears. 

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Hi all!

on the activities section, Calendar view all of the users can see  24-hour clock (military view) we do not need these on the calendar. Every user has US time zone and date and time format set up but on the calendar we still see this 14..15... - 24-hour clock.


Where is the place in the system I can change this to 12-hour clock that is regular for US?


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Currently, changing the date/time format and language won't change the format displayed in the Activities Schedule. 

We have this idea registered for our R&D team so they will consider it for the implementing in the future updates.

Kind regards, 


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We have problems using the mobile application wizard.

The section "contact" does not open - no matter which point I choose (List, Page or Details). Only delete works immediately.

Even deleting and adding the section fails because the page does not rebuild after clicking on "save".

I do not think it's because of the number of contacts, because we have just created 10 test contacts.

Other sections (Account, Activities, ...) do not cause any problems.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

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I would recommend you to contact support and request mobile emulator - you will be able to check errors from the console and see network responses. It will help you to find more details about this issue. 

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We have problems using the (native) macros in email templates.

When parameters are inserted, the system displays them in yellow and reports that they can not be used / found.

Does anyone have any idea how we can solve this?

Thank you!

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Can you please provide us with step by step description on how do you add this parameter, do you add it in a basic template or into your custom template, which object is a macro source for this template, and please send us screenshots of the template and the resulted email.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


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I was told that you could forward links to reports in emails from BPM. I'm assuming that is through business processes. I see how to send the email- but how do I link the report? The link I'm am sending is just bringing my users to the account page instead of the folder I set up for them in the account page. 

(yes they all have access to the folder)

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Hello Heather,

Unfortunately there is no way to form a direct link that will open a folder in a section when clicking on this link. If I understood you right this should be some internal email to your colleagues. As a workaround you can ask to open some specific folder in the template directly and provide the link to a section. But direct link to open the folder cannot be formed. I will ask our R&D team to create some logic that allows doing it. Thank you for reporting this issue to us!

Best regards,


i made folders in my gmail account to filter incoming emails and i did synchronized it with created but Is there a way to recieve the information like applied filters with email object received ?

Hello Werdien,


Thank you for your question! Could you please clarify your business task? 


Looking forward to your reply!


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In the release notes for 7.14.4 there is a new feature that allows you to have a single field with a multiple choice selector. Our platform has been upgraded, but I cannot find how to add such a field to one of my pages.

Is there any further information on this feature, as we have been wanting such a thing for a while now.

You can now create details with multiple values (connection of “many-to-many”) using a separate junction table. For example, multiple values are available for selection in the [Activity results] lookup.

Source - https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/bpmonline-release-notes-7-14-4

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If it can be done in Low Code, it would be great


Stéphane Banon2,

Well that is what the release notes indicate, but as I cannot find it I am unsure. There is no new field type on the left list and within the Lookup field type settings there is nothing related to it being a multi select field.

I am sure they are not teasing us all, as the custom coded method is WAY to complicated to expect users to implement across their instances.

Any comment from bpm'online ?

Is anyone from BPM able to provide some guidance on this? 

A new feature has been added, but either the description is inaccurate or needs further information to allow users to know where and how to use it.

Mark Roberts,

This part of release notes is located in "DEVELOPMENT TOOLS" so this means this feature is available using development. To check how you can achieve this you may check the code from Activity results lookup - with similar code you can implement detail with "many-to-many" connection. 

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