Hello Everyone,


I have added a tag component to the contact list page in the Freedom UI and also applied tags to the records. However, the records are not being filtered according to the selected tag on the list page. Can anyone tell me how to filter them based on the tag?


Thanks in advance.

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In such case, you can add a 'Quick filter' component with the following parameters:

And you will be able to search records by tags:


Thanks a lot. It worked..

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Hi all,


Is there a way to use tags in Freedom UI? It was available in Classic UI above the lists.


Thanks in advance!

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In version 8.1.0 tags will be implemented in Freedom UI, the approximate ETA for it is the end of September.

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Hi Team,


Is there a way to add the tags in the Excel report section . For example, I have created a tag in the opportunity section. Is there a way to add that tag field in the excel reports too.



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Hi Gokul,


Thank you for your feedback!


Kindly note that the Excel report section was created manually without adding the section tag functionality.

However, I will forward your suggestion to the responsible team for consideration.


Have a good day!

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Hi I am trying to do the process in the link below:




To start with this, can I somehow add a tag to all the records?

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Dear Aaykay,

Currently, there are no basic functionality to tag multiple records with tags at once. However, you may create a simple business process that would tag your records. Here is the example how to tag all cases http://prntscr.com/nsssa4

Best regards,


I'm trying to add a tag to multiple records as well.  How does your business process work if there's no common condition among the records you're tagging?  Can you tag all records that you've added to an adhoc folder, for instance? 

Dear Lisa,

Here is the option to tag the records in the static folder http://prntscr.com/ovyri4  As the result, the records in the folder http://prntscr.com/ovysha are tagged http://prntscr.com/ovysqu

Best regards,



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I would like to get rid of tag button on all my pages. Is it possible to use replacing client modules to remove TagUtilitiesV2 from the list of dependencies of BasePageV2? Or maybe there's a better way to do that?

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You can write something like the code below in the BaseModulePageV2 and in the BaseSectionV2

define("AccountSectionV2", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Account",
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		attributes: {
			"UseTagModule": {
				dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
				value: false
		methods: {},
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/


Thank you very much.

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Hi all!

I have a question. I’ve been looking at Working with Tags on the academy; how can I remove tags from the list? I've made a mistake but can't find where to correct it.



File attachments



Dear Sam,

To modify or delete tags from the section, please open System designer →  Lookups.

Then you need to create a new lookup based on the appropriate object. For example, Accounts section tag:

After you save your lookup, please go back to the Lookups page to locate it.

When you click on [Open content] button, you'll be able to detele or add new tags to the section object you've chosen before.



Thank you. One more question.

Is there any way to import a long list of tags so that they can be used by all users within the system? 


Hi Sam,

You can import public tags to some certain section and then apply these tags to the records in this section. 

To do so, please go to System designer → Data import.

Then you need to upload Excel file that consists of two columns: Name and Tag type. Under the name please put the list of tags you want to add into the section. Under the tag type you need to state whether it's public, private or corparate.


After that please click on 'Other' and choose the section you want to import data to. For example, Accounts section tag, Activity section tag, Contacts section tag etc.

Please pay attention to the fact that by default the permission to create public and corporate tags is only granted to the 'System administrators' role.

When you upload the file and click on 'Next' button, you need to specify the matching between columns in Excel file and bpm'online.

Then please specify duplicates search rules and click on 'Start data import'. After that the tags will be imported to the section that you've chosen before. 

If you wish to connect the tags to the large amount of data, you can import tagged records to the system. In such a way, you can apply the same tag to muplitle records at once.

To do so, you need to upload Excel file with the names of tags and data you want to be connected to these tags. The Excel file should contain two columns: Name of the tag and object record. The procedure is the same but instead of Section tag item, you need to choose Section record tag.

Then match the columns of Excel file with the corresponding data in the system.

After you set up duplicates search rules and click on 'Start data import' the tags will be applied to the records from the list of the Excel file.



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