Looking at creating leads via the Web-to-Object service but sourced not from a web landing page but an API service.  The documentation seems to imply I can do this as this is an external system.

I was trying to post JSON data to this Web-to-Object service from Zapier with their generic POST action.  The process runs successfully, but a "Not allowed request URL" message is returned from my bpm’online instance or landing page record.  I know from a previous forum post here the Website Domains property needs to be set properly.  I have tried their domain, subdomains, and others per their support (e.g.  hooks.zapier.com).

Is the Website Domains “whitelisting” feature only apply to actual web page sources or does this restriction work with external services like Zapier (or Mulesoft, custom)?  Any help to POST to these bmp'online service via Zapier or other external process would be welcome.

Service Output

    "SaveWebFormObjectDataResult": "{resultMessage:\"Not allowed request URL.\",resultCode:-1}"


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You set not full website domain. 

This value must looks like https://hooks.zapier.com

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Has anyone been able to use integration SaaS solutions such as Zapier or MuleSoft with bmp'online?  I realize the bmp'online is RESTful and may require some additional effort.  I am mostly focused on a one-way sync to create leads.   Hoping to find a way to hit the DataServices side of bmp'online.

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Dear Stephen,

We already have the suggestion to add the out-of-the-box integration with the services registered and passed to the appropriate team. It will be taken into consideration for the further releases. 

At the moment the integration can be created via OData/DataService in case the mentioned services have the open API. 


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I am curious if anyone has returned output from a stored procedure via script within a business process?  I found one process with a script task that uses the StoredProcedure object to execute the stored procedure, but nothing to capture the output.  Is this possible under the bpm online platform objects?



if (ForecastId != Guid.Empty) {

StoredProcedure storedProcedure = new StoredProcedure(UserConnection, "tsp_RecalculateForecastFact")

.WithParameter("ForecastId", ForecastId) as StoredProcedure;

storedProcedure.PackageName = UserConnection.DBEngine.SystemPackageName;

if (CurrentUserContactId != Guid.Empty) {

storedProcedure.WithParameter("CurrentUserContactId", CurrentUserContactId);





return true;



Using Reader

SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);

command = new SqlCommand("TestProcedure", connection);

command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;


reader = command.ExecuteReader();

List TestList = new List();

Test test;

while (reader.Read())


    test = new Test();

    test.ID = int.Parse(reader["ID"].ToString());

    test.Name = reader["Name"].ToString();



Use DataTable

SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);

command = new SqlCommand("TestProcedure", connection);

command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;


DataTable dt = new DataTable();


gvGrid.DataSource = dt;




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Dear Steve,

Firstly, in order to get the result of a stored procedure, you need to add the following Using to the process:

Namespace: System.Data.IDataReader

Name: IDataReader

Also, to get the result of a stored procedure executing, you need to call it with the outgoing parameter.

The outgoing parameter: .WithOutputParameter ("ResultParameter", textDataValueType)

Get the result of stored procedure from the process parameter:

var resultParameter = (string) storedProcedure.Parameters.FindByName ("ResultParameter"). Value;

To use the .WithOutputParameter ("ResultParameter", textDataValueType) as StoredProcedure in the script, you need to register the stored procedure parameter as OUTPUT:

CREATE procedure [dbo]. [Tsp_test]
(@res_msg nvarchar (250) OUTPUT)
select @ res_msg = '1'
select @res_msg as res_msg
return @res_msg



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Looking potential setups for the Organization Structure for some of our current non-bpm online clients.  I am curious how many levels and nodes other integrators or bpm support people have setup for their instances.  I recall some mentioning of guidelines or best practices in training.  Since this is all used for security etc., I am concerned over performance if there is too large of a structure.  What has everyone experienced with the size/setup of the Organization Structure?  I can see having 10 or up to 1,500 “nodes” setup in a tree.


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Dear Steve,

Unfortunately, we can't provide you with the exact example of another customers of ours, though we cannot recall the issues caused by too large organizational structure. According to the base system logics, the amount of the groups shoud be at least three times smaller that the amount of the system users - in this case the system would handle them properly. 



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What is the secret to exposing page paremeters for a pre-configured page? Is this code behind process?



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The ‘Page parameters are not set’ means that the schema, which is stored in the configuration, does not have an parameters in its structure.

For example, the schema ‘LeadManagementDistributionPageV2’ has one and in the business process ‘Lead distribution 7.8.0’ the element Pre-configured page contains preset page parameters.

Mark Bailey,

Mark Bailey,

How can I config to enable "Page parameters"? Because default is "Page parameters are not set" if I create page schema by adding module.


Toàn Mai

Hi Toan,

You can find all the information regarding pre-configured page in the article below:


Thank you!

Bohdan Zdor,

Thank you

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