Hi everyone,


is it possible to hide some of the elements on the top right side (communication panel, notification panel). Some of the users wont use any of these, and I would like to hide it, not to bother them why are these there.


Thanks, Timea

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I would also like to be able to do this - for example noteworthy events and approvals are sections of the notification panel our users will never have a need to interact with, so it would be better if they weren't shown to users.


Additionally, it would be nice to be able to prevent some of the Business Process tasks from appearing for users - we have loads of them generated as part of a Lead Management flow, but users are unlikely to be interacting with those through there. It would be better for them to be kept out so that other Business Process task notifications don't get lost in the noise.

Hello Timea


You can use this marketplace addon to hide the UI Elements: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/experceo-ui-wizard-creatio

You can add your custom CSS selectors and Operation permissions to control the visibility of the UI Elements.

Thank you


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We have a situation where we work with a partner on our support service and therefore when we add their email address to our case we generate a circular communication that keeps both our cases open. The following is the workflow:

  1. Open case
  2. Add our partners support@ email address to case, so all three parties see communications
  3. Case resolved
    1. Partner service desk platform closes the case
    2. Our platform (Creatio) sends an email asking for feedback on the case to both the case contact (customer) AND the partner
  4. This causes the partners system to automatically reopen the case on their end

How can we at step 3.2 prevent the partner email being sent?




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Thank you for your question! 

With the basic tools of the application, it is impossible to filter to whom exactly to send an email with a request to evaluate the work. However, you can achieve this by customizing the basic process of sending a feedback request to a contact in a case (Reevaluate case level request process).

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I have created a business process, which is simply notifying a user that a new record has been created within a Project. I can create the notification in the way I want, however when clicking on the link in the notification window, it simply takes the user to the Project list page and not the Project page itself i.e. the detail page.

I have used the Parent entity ID column and set this to the Project ID value, as you can see in the screenshot below. This I expected it to work. Performing a trace shows the correct Project ID value for the record in question, so I am not sure what is wrong.


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In order to create an activity, please add this value to the business process in the Add Data element:

To = responsible




Source (for example Owner)

Unique caption Id = Record Id (from the signal)

Hi Anastasia


Many thanks for your reply.


I have the following data structure in place within the 'Notification' object for creating a new record:


To       -       Lookup to specific contact

Object     -      Lookup.Section Object(View).Project

Time     -    System - Current Date & Time

ParentEntityID    -    Project ID

Source     -     (I have tried a number of sources - Lookup > Owner, Lookup > Contact, Specific User via Process Parameter causes a foriegn key constraint error)

Unique Caption ID     -    RecordID from signal

Before I added Source and Unique Caption ID clicking the Notification link in the notification panel took me to the Project summary page. Adding these two as indicated in your reply above causes no action i.e. no page change occurs.

The notification is being created, although it is in the System Messages section, but the link is just not taking me to the Project.

Anything else you can guide me with would be very much appreciated.






I have got it working!

For those that come along after this, this is how:


  • Title    -     What you want to display in the notification subject

  • To       -       Lookup to specific contact

  • Object     -      Lookup.Section Object(View).Project

  • Time     -    System - Current Date & Time

  • Unique Caption ID     -    RecordID from signal


The issue was that I had ParentEntityID included, which once I removed that allowed the link to work. I read a previous Blog on this subject which had this value.





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Hi community, 

Regarding data import, how does the system recognize and track data imports into specific objects? 

For instance, when I click on the link ("Open imported records") provided in the data import notification, I wanted to know how the system knows which object it's associated with and in which object/table is that information being stored?

Thanks in advance


Goparna Nasina

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Best reply

It tags the records. Each record imported has a tag added of the date time of the import. When you click that link from the notification it opens the section and sets a filter for that specific tag.


It tags the records. Each record imported has a tag added of the date time of the import. When you click that link from the notification it opens the section and sets a filter for that specific tag.


Ryan Farley,


Thank you Ryan.

I wanted to send a notification when data is imported in a particular object. As you stated above "when we click on notification it opens the section", how can I get that section details or which table in database is the section id stored for that particular import?

Thanks in advance 

Goparna Nasina

Goparna Nasina,


The information is stored in the ObjectNameInTag table.

For example in AccontInTagTable.



Thanks Bogdan

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When user clicks "Follow the feed" (e.g. in exact Document), they expects to receive notification in CTI-panel on every Feed/Comment added to that Document. 


However notifications do not appear. Is it normal behavior or anything wrong?

And is there any option to notify users about Feed/Comment added to the Document they follows?

Thank you

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Hello Vladimir,

It's expected behavior.  

As for now, your business task could be achieved by business process. 

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We have such a situation that numbers of notifications in CTI panel appears, but no notification is shown here. Or quantity of notifications differs from red number shown. And this situation is for many users.

How can be resolve this issue?

Thank you!

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Hello Vladimir,


Based on the shared information, I can assume that the issue may relate to the Visa object.

You may have a record in the SysModuleVisa table (this table stores the Visa's configuration) which refers to a schema that does not exist.

Due to this fact, that there is a reference to a scheme that does not exist, we cannot count the number of Visas. Therefore, the notification counter does not work.

You can find the mentioned record using this script:

select smv.* from SysSchema ss

right join 

SysModuleVisa smv on smv.VisaSchemaUId=ss.[UId]

where ss.id is null


If the solution provided above doesn't solve your issue, please contact the Creatio support team via support@creatio.com, so we could proceed with investigation.


Best regards,


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We would like the system to notify the user before closing the record if there are unsaved changes to the page/record. Seems maybe this was a feature in the past and I'm hoping there is just a system setting for this? 

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Hello Susan, 


It's not a feature or system setting, but oob logic and it's working without any additional settings. For example, when you have applied changes to the record and about to close it - press "Close" button - without saving it first, system will notify you with a pop-up window about the unsaved changes. But the functionality doesn't cover closing the whole browser tab, in this case there will be no notification. 

If for some reason the functionality stopped working on your site, please contact us at support@creatio.com, so we could investigate the issue.


Best regards,


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Hi community!

I enabled Approvals in the case section and added Approval in the business process. The problem is that counter is not increased in the notification panel but approval itself is shown in the "Approval notification".

Best regards, 


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Hello Jana,


As we replied in your case, the most likely reason for this behavior is a missing piece of code that marks your notifications as read.


Please check if you have MarkNotificationAsRead in your custom code in order for notifications to properly display.


You can copy the code from the NotificationService object in configuration files.


Thank you,


Hello Artem,


We are also facing the same issue. Ours is not a custom code, all we do is create an approval task via business process. While the approval task is seen in notification center, the counter does not get increased.


Please advise


Test process creates an approval task for current user

After process is triggered, task appears for current user, but no badge or counter is seen as highlighted in yellow.

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Dear community,


We have set an approval for our invoices. Our users get a notification to approve or reject an invoice. While using the notification center we noticed that the notifications are quite limited in information.


Question: How do we show more info in the notifications like contact name or invoice amount?

Now: https://prnt.sc/10jjew0

Idea: https://prnt.sc/10jjga5



Kind regards,


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Hello Yosef,


First of all you will need to create a custom container that could contain all the needed information (this should be added to the replaced VisaNotificationsSchema view model and the example below is for cases):

					"operation": "insert",
					"name": "NotificationItemCustomContainer",
					"parentName": "NotificationItemTopContainer",
					"propertyName": "items",
					"values": {
						"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.CONTAINER,
						"items": []
					"operation": "insert",
					"name": "NotificationContactAdditionalInfo",
					"parentName": "NotificationItemCustomContainer",
					"propertyName": "items",
					"values": {
						"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.LABEL,
						"caption": {"bindTo": "getCustomContainerContent"},
						"visible": {bindTo: "getContentSchema"}

Then you will need to control the visibility of this container based on which schema does the visa notification represent:

getContentSchema: function(){
				var entityName = this.get("SchemaName");
                if (entityName=="Case"){
					return true;
                } else {
					return false;

And finally the most difficult task is to populate needed fields with proper values. The problem here is that the table that is called upon displaying visa notifications is "UsrCaseVisa" and it doesn't contain information on case contact or account and so on so you will need to create some additional logic that will also get data from the case that is related to the visa.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


thank you, we will try this out.



Kind regards,


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After our latest upgrade to 7.17.1 there are now many more notifications that show up based on cases the user is following. Our users used to rely on notifications from feed post mentions to know if they need to look at a case. Now they are flooded with notifications every time a new email is attached to a case, and our users rely too heavily on emails to communicate in cases so there is an excessive amount of notifications for them to look through. Is there a way to filter which types of notifications a user receives? Is there a way to configure certain objects, for example so emails don't cause new notifications?

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Dear Mitch, 

In order to disable these notifications please do the following: 

1.) Disable the feature with Code 'NotifyOfNewSocialMessages'

2.) Turn off the process with Name "NotifyOfNewSocialMessages"

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,


What about for Emails? (The email icon in the communication panel). Is your suggestion for the Notification object that updates the bell icon? What object updates the email icon with a little red number?

Dear Mitch, 

My suggestion relates only to feed messages and doesn't affect system, processes or email notifications. 

As for your second question - the counter of new email notifications is being updated when the new message is received via websocket and this information is not reflected in DB. 

Kind regards, 


Roman Brown,

 So the new email notification counter cannot be turned off using standard settings? I just want to confirm this so I can tell my users who are asking me to turn it off.


Unfortunately, there are no user tools to disable the mentioned notification counter. 

We will register the proposition for the responsible R&D team to add this functionality in future Creatio releases. 

Kind regards,


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