Dear Team,


We are facing "unexpected token r in json at position 0" error when we try to login after providing the username and password, on inspection we found the error "as attached".


Did notice similar community post but this is not similar to my issue. Here we are not able to navigate to home page after providing the username and password.


Question : Is there a way that user profile is affected and how to fix this issue?


Thanks in advance!

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Could you please write to our technical support so we could take a closer look at the issue?

Just email us about your problem at

We will investigate it in your particular environment.


Thank you,


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after migration we notice plenty of errors like :

2021-06-16 05:11:23,564 [89] ERROR DCGROUP\IIS-OPT-PRD-BPMO Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.Extensions.QueryExtension AddQueryColumns - Terrasoft.Common.ItemNotFoundException: Collection item with name Roles not found.

   at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchema.GetSchemaColumnByPath(String columnPath)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchemaQuery.CreateColumn(String columnPath)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchemaQuery.AddColumn(String columnPath)

   at Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.Extensions.QueryExtension.EsqBuilder.AddQueryColumn(SelectQueryColumn columnConfig)

   at Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.Extensions.QueryExtension.EsqBuilder.AddQueryColumns(SelectQueryColumns columnConfigs)

how can i found the place it is run from?



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Hello Tomasz, 

To give you an answer to this question we need to analyze your site directly. 

Please, send us an email on describing the issue.

Don't forget to create an external access for us or send us a copy of your DB if your instance is on-site. 

Best regards,


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Hi all,


We just tried installing our package on our pre-prod environment to test and unfortunately have met an error :


2020-10-23 10:24:19,373 System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '_MetaInfo.json' is denied.

at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)

at Terrasoft.Common.IO.FileWrapper.Create(String path)

at Terrasoft.Core.ContentGeneration.ConfigurationMetaInfoFileWriter.Write(ConfigurationMetaInfo configurationMetaInfo, String configurationMetaInfoFilePath)

at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.ConfigurationAssemblyFileStorageTransaction.UpdateConfigurationVersion(Int32 version)

at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.ConfigurationAssemblyFileStorageTransaction.Commit()

at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.WorkspaceBuilder.BuildInternalNetStandard(Boolean force, BuildResultType& buildResultType)

at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.WorkspaceBuilder.Build()

at Terrasoft.Core.AppInstallation.Packages.Operations.SystemPackageOperations.Save(IEnumerable`1 packages, PackageInstallOptions options)

at Terrasoft.Core.AppInstallation.Packages.SystemPackageManager.Save(PackageInstallOptions installOptions)

at Terrasoft.Core.AppInstallation.Packages.AppInstaller.Install(String sourcePath, String destinationPath, PackageInstallOptions installOptions, IInstalledAppInfo installedAppInfo)

at Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModelContract.PackageInstaller.AppInstallerServiceInternal.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.b__0()

at Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModelContract.PackageInstaller.BaseInstallerServiceInternal.InvokeWithLogging[TResult](Func`1 action)


Compilation works without errors though.


Any ideas how to solve this ? We are on an on-prem version.


Thanks and lovely day !

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Dear Amandine,


Usually, this error means that IIS user does not have access to all paths Creatio needs to compile the application. Try to provide full access to IIS user and check if it helps by performing full compilation. 


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Hi Angela, it was indeed a permission issue, got solved the same day :) Thanks for answering !

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I am trying to edit account page to add a new tab but that was not successful. 

So I deleted the replacing object created for account section with replacing scheme.

Now the account section page opens perfectly fine when debug mode is off in console. But when I turn it on, it crashes the page and given me the following error.

Can someone please help me, why is there any error in first place only when I turn on debug mode in console?



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Hello Ramnath,


It is hard to say why could this issue occur, but you can try fixing this error by going to configurations and re-saving AccountPage schema (please also note that in case you have several account edit page schemas (like UsrAccount1Page, UsrAccount2Page and so on)) and you need to re-save content of all those schemas (by clicking on "Save" button at the top left corner of schema editor Once done please relogin to the application and try to open edit page once again


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

I was trying to build it on trial environment. I could not apply the steps you mentioned because it expired by the time.

But thanks for helping.


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I am facing issues with the console flooded with the web-socket errors.

I don't know which element is bugging it.

Because of this sometimes I have to hard reload (empty cache) 3 to 5 times to do my configurations of view any record after some changes in section wizard or in any object.

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Best reply

This is due to the telephony integration being turned on by default in new systems, but not set up to connect to a phone system. To get rid of all that chatter in the console, go into your profile (by clicking the person icon in the top right corner, then select "Your profile". Once there, click the "Call center parameters setup" button and check the box to "Disable phone integration". Once you log out and back in again, all of that chatter and WebSocket errors in the console will be gone.


This is due to the telephony integration being turned on by default in new systems, but not set up to connect to a phone system. To get rid of all that chatter in the console, go into your profile (by clicking the person icon in the top right corner, then select "Your profile". Once there, click the "Call center parameters setup" button and check the box to "Disable phone integration". Once you log out and back in again, all of that chatter and WebSocket errors in the console will be gone.


Hey Ryan,

It worked.

Thanks for the help.

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I keep getting this error when I try to sync my email address in bpmonline.

The email works fine mostly and all of a sudden it stops receiving emails. Then we have to go in the email settings to refresh them and then it starts working again.



P.S. I am not the owner of the email. The email address has been setup as support email.

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There are only two variants why could this issue occur: the first one is that it was deleted manually from your instance with the help of SQL-query. And the second one is that your email provider was temporarily unavailable. There is a period for all mailboxes for sending requests to the email server connected. If the application won't get an answer from the email server for 3 times the trigger that is responsible for automatic synchronization deletes. To add the trigger again you can disable automatic synchronization, save settings and enable it again. 

To prevent this issue from happening in future please check your mail server.

Best regards,


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There is an error message which occurring on save of script in report designer.

I'm not sure what is missing. Any help will be highly appreciable.



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it's hard to say what's wrong by the screenshot. Somehow the system can't find the report schema. Try to find an answer in the development guide

Eugene Podkovka,

Thanks. Its already resolved



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I am following the instructions in the academy page (…) to create an editable list.  When I get to part 2 (Creating a Detail Schema), it says to inherit BaseGridDetailV2 base detail list schema functions, and the picture shows "Base schema - Details with list ( NUI )."  I don't see an option with the NUI in the list, but if I choose the one that is there then I get an error message "Substitution of Modules is not Allowed."  


These are the options I have to choose from:


I have looked for "BaseGrid" and "base detail list", but there are no options to choose from.  Are these instructions still up to date?

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The instructions said to add a new Module, but I found that it works if I use a "Schema of the Detail View Model with List" instead.  It works fine doing it this way.

Hello Timothy,

Try to choose "Schema of the Detail View Model with List" option when adding a new module instead of "Module" options. It should help.

Best regards,


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Error message

Terrasoft.Common.ReflectionUtilities FindTypeByShortName - Could not load file or assembly 'SharpSvn.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'SharpSvn.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.

File name: 'SharpSvn.dll'

at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)

at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly reqAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)

at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadFrom(String assemblyFile, Evidence securityEvidence, Byte[] hashValue, AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(String assemblyFile)

at Terrasoft.Web.Common.AssemblyResolver.FindAssemblyByProcessRunMode(String requestingAssemblyName, String searchSubDirectory)

at System.AppDomain.OnAssemblyResolveEvent(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String assemblyFullName)



Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable

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Hi Guys,


Please, i need an urgent help.

I don't have validation on  Product Category, when i tried to save or edit product. i get this message "Field Category : Enter a value". Also in the console, it shows  "Instance of class Terrasoft.Container is destroyed".  Please help, it is very urgent

File attachments



Hi Adebola,

In this case, you probably want to check is this field is required in Product object in your Configuration. Also, you can search for Category in your JS files(Ctrl+Shift+F12 in Chrome console) for any business rules or code which can make it required.

thanks Elias. Figured it out yesterday. There was another lookup with different name but pulling data from the same category lookup and the field was required.

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