Hey, everyone! 

I'm new to Creatio and still getting myself around, just got my Analyst certification too. 

Anyway, How am I to bind the SysAdminUnit to my Application? (trying to bind 4 Functional roles that I've created for my application)

I'm getting the prompt from the print below.

I know that the "sysCulture" is due to the language being "pt-br" (I've been using Creatio on English, and I don't have any clue as to why it created as "pt-br"... Also.. how to alter these specifics into en-US?). 

I've read a few posts here and there (all from 2022 and before... something must have changed) on the community and all of them tell me to build a SQL Querry. The problem is that I don't know how to acess my portal through SQL or any querry format. Downloading the SSMS (version 19) and inputting my login credentials and the link to my portal (www.myportal.creatio.com) doesn't work..

Thanks for now!

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You can add a separate data binding for the SysCulture object to transfer the culture code, specifically the "pt-br" culture, during migration, and then attach the role record. But please note that it is important to deactivate the "pt-br" culture when binding it.

Hey, Alona! 

I'll try it. Many thanks! 

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Dear colleagues,


How can AVOID this? The link to an object in dev is "https://dev-XXXXX.creatio.com/Navigation/Navigation.aspx?schemaName=Ndo…]" and in TESTING or production, when deploy packages remains https://dev-XXXXX.creatio.com, when it must be https://pre-XXXXX.creatio.com or https://XXXXX.creatio.com


Some idea, how to solve this?

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Please create a separate case for Support Team support@creatio.com  and we will analyze it deeply. 

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Due those schemas usually have the EmailBody binded and this is a large string is very difficult to found the name of the binded templates, this is due Creatio show its names centered in the row where they are.


Suggestion, could export the data binded in those schemas or select which columns to see (not binded ones),


For example see the image



Good Idea!


Although I do have a strong technical background, I would prefer a more user-friendly "no-code-way" of creating data bindings.


I like the flexibility of the existing data binding feature, but it would be awesome for a lot of people to have the functionality to select what they want to bind and the system does the heavy lifting and generates the technically necessary data bindings.


For instance, if the element that should be bound to the package is an email template, then you would just select the template and the system creates the bindings for you. The same applies to workplaces, dashboards, reports (incl. reports table and the word template), lookups (including their manager), etc.

Robert Pordes,


Yes please !

Very well put. For a nocode tool, there still a lot to be implemented. A lot of great new stuff with Freedom UI but still quite some things missing for it to be truely nocode.






Thank you for your suggestion, we have registered this idea for our R&D team and such functionality may appear in future.

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Dear colleagues,


I need to bind my section folder, but at this time it appears no available in Freedom, I saw in documentation https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor… and Folders are not available to bind


I'm using Creatio 8.1.1


Somebody knows some workaround to this?


Thanks in advance

Best regards

Julio Falcón

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Best reply


Folders are stored in a separated table for each section, [object name]+Folder.

For example, for the contact section, it's ContactFolder.

For sections that were created exclusively in the Freedom UI, folders are stored in FolderTree.



Folders are stored in a separated table for each section, [object name]+Folder.

For example, for the contact section, it's ContactFolder.

For sections that were created exclusively in the Freedom UI, folders are stored in FolderTree.


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Hello Community,

I have data-binded the organizational and functional roles, while importing it to another instance it shows an error.


Thanks in Advance

Yasaswini I

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Every time when we want to import data with changes in SysAdminUnit we should do the following:

1. disable trigger TRSysAdminUnitRoot

2. install the package with data

3. enable trigger TRSysAdminUnitRoot

Kind regards,


Vladimir Sokolov,

Thank You

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We have several details on Portal (e.g. Product price, Contract and some custom ones).

When portal user double clicks on the record, edit page is opened.


But this happens only on Dev environment. When we install package to Test, it is not possible to open edit page there.

What data should be added to the package in order to open edit page for detail records?

Thank you

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As we have found, there are 2 records for one CardSchemaUId in SysModuleEdit:

Select * from "SysModuleEdit"

where "PageCaption" LIKE '%Contracts%'

So, it is necessary to bind the record, that doesn't exist in Test environment. And to this for all pages that should be opened from details

Maybe someone will give better explanation, but this works

Kind regards,


Hello Vladimir, 

What you did is bind the SysModuleEdit record for the page supposed to open for the portal section which was missing before. 

That's necessary to make sure you bound data from this table along with data from SysSchema, SysModuleEntity, SysModuleEntityInPortal and SysModule to make sure that the portal section and it's pages are correctly transferred. 

Kind regards,


Hello Roman,

we've got new issue with this. Currently page is opened with double click on portal in our dev and test environment (with demo license)

But not opened on customer environment (with real license).


So, that means, that all bindings are done, but something still necessary to do.

Do you have exact manual how to add detail with edit page to the Portal?

Thank you!

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It would be nice to add one more 'Delete&Bind' action to Sections, Details, Lookups etc. Id's of deleted records should be bound to the package and deleted on other environments as well when package is installed.


Dear Vladimir!


Thanks for sharing your idea! We have registered it to add such functionality in future releases.


Best regards,


This would be amazing !

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Currently it is necessary to bind SysModuleEntity manualy when adding new objects to 'List of objects available for portal users'


It would be nice to bind such objects automaticaly 




Thank you for bringing your idea to our attention!


I have registered it for review by the development team. They will process your suggestion and decide whether to add it to future updates of our product.


We appreciate your efforts to improve Creatio!

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Hello all,


I am trying to bind the processes that I'm running from section to the package, so when we transfer the package into prod the processes will remain attached to the sections. How can I achieve this? It is unclear.


Thank you!

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Hi Maria,

this information is stored in ProcessInModules object.

So, if you want to attach this on the prod, you need just to bind data with this records.

If you want to delete it from the prod, you need to run such script with your processes schemas Id's in it:

delete from "ProcessInModules"

Where "SysSchemaUId" IN  ('1b0e7dfb-5f68-4d7c-8641-88276ef47148','3d523f87-b74f-414f-9f3c-509f326f8313','006df98f-dde0-4997-b904-9fc0586c10d2')


Kind regards,


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How to bind dashboards from an environment to another as a portal user and as a full user?

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The dashboard's data is stored in the SysDashboards for dashboards on analytics, 

and SysWidgetDashboard for dashboards in the section pages.

    You can transfer this data using data bindings or on the DB level (merge for existing on the target instance and insert for non-existing).

  Data for folders, filters, and column setup is stored in the SysProfileData. You can transfer it similarly to the dashboard's data. 

    In case if you need more information on adding data bindings for the package, please see the article below: 



Best regards,


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