Hi all,

I want to remove the drag drop feature in the attachment detail for a particular section in Freedom UI.

Could you please help me with this?

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To remove this feature in a particular section, add '"droppable": false' code in the values part of the FileList viewConfigDiff element in that section formpage.

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Is it possible to add an attachment to an email within a campaign?

I know it's possible to do it within a business process, but I want to utilize the marketing campaign features.

Have any of you accomplished this in Creatio?


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Bulk/trigger emails are not supposed to have files attached to them since the email provider can reject sending this email. The only way to have a file (for example pdf file) being attached to an email if it is a trigger/bulk email - is to put this file as a link to the body of an email. Your file should be stored in some public storage that can be accessed by anyone and the link to it will be like this https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf.


But if you put this link to the body of an email - recipients will get an error when opening it. So you need to use the OpenElement parameter at the end and make the link look like this

https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf?OpenElement. As a result, users will see opened pdf documents (which they can download after that) that can be accessed from your bulk/trigger email.



Bulk/trigger emails are not supposed to have files attached to them since the email provider can reject sending this email. The only way to have a file (for example pdf file) being attached to an email if it is a trigger/bulk email - is to put this file as a link to the body of an email. Your file should be stored in some public storage that can be accessed by anyone and the link to it will be like this https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf.


But if you put this link to the body of an email - recipients will get an error when opening it. So you need to use the OpenElement parameter at the end and make the link look like this

https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf?OpenElement. As a result, users will see opened pdf documents (which they can download after that) that can be accessed from your bulk/trigger email.


Hello thank you for your reply. I'll find a way to generate a link of my file and use it within a bulk email

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Currently in Classic UI we can add files or links in the attachements, Anybody knows where to insert the link for attachements in Freedom UI ?

Kind regards,


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You can use this documentation:

Work with attachments | Creatio Academy



Hi Orkhan,

Thank you but these are Classic UI instructions, I am looking for the equivalent in Freedom UI as new fresh installations do not have classic UI alternative in some sections.

Do you have such documentation & functionality for Freedom UI ?




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Hi Community!


I need to display existing documents from other sections together with the directly attached documents in FreedomUI 8.1.


The attachments are stored in the table "SysFile", which has a column called "TypeId". That lookup has the values "File" (default), "Link" and "Link to object".


I have tried to tinker around with the database of my on-premise dev environment. While I could manage to display inserted documents of type "Link", they won't open because the SysFile-table has no columns for referencing other documents.


There is also a table called "FileLink", which looks promising because it has the columns "FileSchemaName", "FileRecordId", "RecordSchemaName", "RecordId". That would be enough to link existing documents to various records, but the don't show up in the FreedomUi AttachmentList component.


Did anyone already manage to do this without duplicating documents?


Any help is much appreciated, thanks!


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Hi Robert!


Unfortunately, displaying the various sections' attachments together in one attachment component is impossible. However, you can use a separate attachment component for each section.


To implement this, we recommend the following steps:

1.  Open the Page Designer.

2.  For each section that you would like to display the attachments from:

- add the dropdown field, specifying this section as “Lookup” in the field’s general settings (or make sure that such a dropdown field already exists);

- add the attachment component.

3. In each added attachment component, set “Record to attach files” (general settings) to a value from the previously added dropdown field and “File storage location” (advanced settings) to the corresponding table.


After you choose the exact records in the dropdown fields, they will be linked to the current record, and you will see their attachments in the corresponding components. It will help you to avoid duplicating documents.


Best regards,


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Hello community,

I have a use case where I need to add a column in attachments for a section in freedom UI and it should only be visible for that particular section. Can anyone help with this?


Thanks in advance.




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I think you set up biz rule for that section, make it visible for that section only cheeky

Hi Yasaswini,


We recommend adding the column in configuration to the object nameOfSectionFile (for example: CaseFile), then go to page designer, open settings for attachments and make sure the view is list, rather than gallery and add the column you have previously added in configuration. 

This setting will only be applied to one sections, because CaseFile object is only used in Case section.


Best regards,


Alina Yakovlieva,

Thank you,

But my use case is that I will have to edit that field according to the attached files in the attachments, but we can't edit the attachment's detail. Is there any possibility of editing the column that we create in the attachments?

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Hi everyone,


How can we override the onClick functionality of the attachment link? Or is there any way to disable the link?

Thanks & regards,


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Hello Ramya,


We thought on overriding the logic of the crt.DownloadEntityFileRequest request, but the handler doesn't trigger upon clicking the file. I will ask our R&D team to make it possible to control the download of files out-of-the-box and do it in the nearest releases.


Thank you!

Oleg Drobina,


Thank you for the swift response. Since overriding is not possible as of now, is there any way to disable the link? Something similar to the Classic UI diff value "showValueAsLink" : false?



Oleg Drobina,


Can you also elaborate what handler is getting called if it is not "crt.DownloadEntityFileRequest" ?

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Has anyone managed to return the count of attachment records from a record. Having trouble validating whether a record has any attachments or not.

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You can use the EntitySchemaQuery to get the number of attachments:

onEntityInitialized: function() {
				var contactId = this.get("Id");
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {rootSchemaName: "ContactFile"});
                    var filter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Contact", contactId);
                    esq.getEntityCollection(function (result) {
                        if (result.success) {
                        	window.alert("This record has " + result.collection.collection.length + " attachments");
                    }, this);


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Hi everyone,


Is there a way to obtain the ID of the selected file in attachments in a Freedom UI section? Looking for an equivalent of activeRow / this.get("SelectedRows") for Freedom UI.




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Yes. This is something I would need as well. I've not tried this, but maybe it's possible to add to the rowToolbarItems for the attachments list and get the selected Id from the handler there?


Yes. This is something I would need as well. I've not tried this, but maybe it's possible to add to the rowToolbarItems for the attachments list and get the selected Id from the handler there?


Ryan Farley,


Thanks a lot for the response. This worked!

You can pass the attachment Id in the params as mentioned below:

"rowToolbarItems": [{
	"type": 'crt.MenuItem',
	"caption": 'Get attachment id',
	"icon": 'open-button-icon',
	"clicked": {
		"request": 'psg.MyCustomHandler',
		"params": {
			"Id": "$AttachmentList.AttachmentListDS_Id"



Ramya R,

Glad to hear this list can also be extended, great news. 


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I need To restrict the user from uploading files other than PDF in the specific section alone. I'm aware of secure file upload feature to achieve this functionality but still this won't fulfill what I'm aiming to achieve i.e., restriction should be applicable only for specific section with custom disclaimer message

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Hello Kavya, 

Indeed the oob functionality includes possibility to restrict uploading files in a specific format into the system, however such limitation can be applied only to the whole system and not a specific section. 

Unfortunately, there is no way to apply such customization only to a specific section with a help of basic system tools, the additional development will be needed. 

We've registered a query for our responsible team to consider implementing such functionality in the upcoming releases.

Thank you for helping us to make our Application better!

Best regards,


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Hello Community,


Our client has a case where he needs to upload a file secured with a password to the attachment details. He tried to upload that file file but with no success. Is there a way to keep that file in its encrypted format and be able to upload it?


Thank you,

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Hello Mariam,

You can make a password file in the archive and put the archive in the detail. At the moment there is no possibility to enter the password exactly inside Creatio. Perhaps this can be implemented by custom development.



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