Trying to figure out 2 things on Calendar :

  1. Calendar view (UI) ends on previous day even if the end date is next day (11:59 PM)

  2. The above calendar item extends on the Calendar from Start date/time to End date/time (-1) (Image1). But when I select a Specific day (which is not the start date) - the activity does not show up. For ex : if I just select 31/05/2024 on calendar - the above activity is missing.


Please suggest

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Hello everyone!

The issue i'm facing is that tasks synced from Google Calendar that are meetings and include Google Meet links are not displaying a "Join" button within Creatio. This makes it difficult for users to easily join these meetings directly from Creatio.

Here's how it should look like:

but this is how it is currently looking like:

this meeting already has a google meet link attached to it, as you can see in the next screenshot:


Here are some additional details about the issue:

  • -The tasks in question are synced from Google Calendar.
  • -The tasks are identified as meetings within Google Calendar and have associated Google Meet links.
  • -Despite being meetings with links, there is no "Join" button available within the task view in Creatio.

I would appreciate if anyone has faced this issue in the past, and how to solve it :)

Thanks in advance!


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Hello Mirla,

Thank you for reaching out. We've thoroughly examined your issue. Unfortunately, there is currently no automatic addition of a meeting button for Google Meets sync activity.   

Let me explain the logic of this functionality in more detail. When you add a meeting link to the activity “notes” field with a meeting link, this button is automatically displayed. 


As a workaround, when you create an appointment in Google Calendar, you can add a link to the description in the meeting details. And in this case, during synchronization, this data will automatically be transferred to the "Notes" field in Creatio and the Join button will appear automatically.


Additionally, we offer a connector on the Creatio Marketplace that may address your business needs: .

However, we understand that this solution may not be ideal for you. Rest assured, we have already registered an idea for the development department to create this functionality.

Thanks for making Creatio better! 

Halyna Parkhomenko,

I see! thank you for the workaround and all the info! 

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Hi Academy,


We would like to understand if it is possible to distinguish between activities imported from Outlook (calendar synchronization) in Creatio, from those activities that are opened directly in Creatio. Can you help us?


Thank you in advance!



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No, there are no clear markers indicating the difference between imported activities from Outlook because it involves two-way synchronization logic, and the same activity may later be resynchronized, for example, by another user or when the activity changes on the Outlook side.

These activities are always identical.

We will inform the development team about this need and assess the possibility of implementing a mechanism that would allow distinguishing them.


Thank you for reaching out!

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How can you set the default values created for an Activity when clicking on the Calendar in Freedom UI? I can't see anything in the OOTB code for calendar setup that would pass default values into the calendar activity creation process, but presume there must be some JSON parameters that could be set to specify things like the Activity Type/Category for example. Any help appreciated.

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Unfortunately, this logic is hardcoded and cannot be changed at the moment. We have raised an improvement for the development team to make it possible to configure the default Category for this element in future releases.

Thank you for reaching out!

Thanks Pavlo, so no properties in the JSON can be set for this currently at all then? And no overriding of any of the schema handlers would enable setting them either? We currently have a fair amount of handler code, so wouldn't be too worried about adding some more in for now until this is possible in no code.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change this logic for this scheme at the moment, even using such handlers.

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The default behaviour in Creatio cases is that any outstanding activities on a case are removed if the contact emails in and the case goes to re-opened. One of the consequencies of this, is that some of our support reps, have Outlook sync enabled and as that does not delete activities, only creates them from Creatio to Outlook, they end up with lots of orphaned activities in Outlook.

As a quick and simple fix, is it possible for individual users to have the default behaviour of the 'Show in Calendar' to be unchecked?




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Good afternoon, 


Starting from version 8.0.0 this function works correctly, unfortunately our team observed problems with versions before 8.0. 

Best regards,



Hi Orkhan


Thank you for your reply. Are you saying that from v8 the full sync function with Outlook should work? We have been running v8 for a while now and have not seen any difference in the behaviour, where deletions on one side are made automatically in the other.


Is there a setting, we can disable on a per user basis?


I tried to configure Business Rules in the Activity section, and am able to create a rule to do the match, but cannot get the value to change to 'deselected' as an action.





Mark Roberts,

Good day,

Unfortunately, there is no built-in method to disable the default display in the calendar for individual users. Additionally, we do not recommend toggling this checkbox after the activity has been created, as it may create duplicate records.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that according to the default logic, when a case is closed, activities are not deleted but rather canceled. They still remain in the system and calendar.

However, as a workaround, you can add a "Show in calendar" checkbox to the mini card, allowing users to indicate the need for this option when creating activities themselves.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please let me know. I'm here to help.





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Dear communitiy,

in a test environment i set up successfully a synchronisation between creatio and google in the activitiy section. When I create an appointment in Creatio it is transferred directly to google calendar. Thats fine. But if i delete the appointment in creatio it dosen't delete the appointment in my google account. Do you know if this is possible to set up?




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Hello Florian,

The logic of the Google Calendar Sync with Creatio is the following:

- If an activity was created in Google Calendar and then imported into Creatio, once you delete it in Google it will also be deleted in Creatio.

- If an activity was created in Creatio and then imported into Google Calendar, when deleting it in Creatio it will not be deleted from Google.

We already registered this issue for our R&D team and this system logic might be changed in future releases.

+ 1 for a reviewed logic (with possibility to choose how the logic works in configuration set up of email / calendar integration ) ;)

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Dear All,


is it possible to make a home page with tasks list, calendar view and with some KPI diagrams in one page? 

Thanks for your help.


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Hello Timea!


We will register it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.

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Hello community,


I wanted to add a few days to the calendar as non-working day (holiday). These holidays should appear in the calendar in gray. For example, if the user opens the list of activities in the calendar the days off will be displayed in gray. Does Creatio offer a way I can configure a specific day as a day off.



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Our business process prompts the user to create a follow up calendar event if the current call event is listed as 'call later.'  Currently the process creates a new call task which OOTB opens a new call task screen. This isn't intuitive because the user cannot see their own calendar availability. I want to set the process to open their calendar view first where the user can confirm time/availability and manually add the task from there. I cannot find a way to open to the calendar view directly from the business process. Is there a way to do this?


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Dear Susan, 

we are currently investigating this case in order to find a possible ways of implementing this functionality. As soon as possible we will let you know with the update.

Pre-configured page cannot open the section, so you will need to create a logic with the script task that will send a socket message to the client (using MsgChannelUtilities.PostMessage method and the ClientMessageBridge (as described here)). Since the message should be received on any page you will need to replace the BasePageV2 module and add the message and the handler for the message there.


The handler should use the code similar to the one below:


so that the handler could open the ActivitySectionV2. But there is a problem with this: the activity section will be opened either in the schedule or grid view (depending on the last active view selected by the user for which the activity section will be opened). In this case you will also need to create some additional logic that will set the schedule view as an active view when opening the section from the message handler. The methods to override are initDataViews and loadActiveViewData.


Best regards,


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Dear colleagues,


Somebody tries to integrate Calendly in your Creatio?


Thanks in advance


Best regards


nobody interested in have an easy to schedule to your clients integrated to Creatio and your calendar?

Most of our clients rather have a native microsoft teams/M365 integration than having to configure calendly on top.

However it is a popular app, for which an integration would be interesting. Or at least, we should be able to have more advanced Zapier integration, little documentation on the possibilities with Zapier

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