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Hi, all,

     I found Creatio can generate word template and send it as attachment via email. 

But I can't find any solution if the user want to have an excel report. Can you put them in the future solution?





The Excel report cannot be selected as a generated report in the File Processing element. This option is only available for reports of basic functionality.

Regarding Excel reports, you can find information about their integrated options for the core product on the Marketplace page: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/excel-reports-builder-creatio


Currently, you can use "object attachments" for such file types and add a table form to generate a report Information about:



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Clio release version and Clio explorer version 2.0.59 provide functionality to get info about the Creatio system. It contains the product name, core version, type of database, runtime platform, and customer ID. It can be helpful for identifying installation or updating packages 

Also, it is available in command line mode

clio get-info -e ENVIRONMENT_NAME

Required update Clio API on the environment to version


Great thanks for this command! All who develop projects for customers will be able to detect product, version and DB type easily. Here is full command set to install this update:

check your current Clio version:

dotnet tool list -g

remove old Clio version:

dotnet tool uninstall clio -g

install new Clio version:

dotnet tool install clio -g

install new version of cliogate package (aka "Clio API on the environment"):

clio install-gate -e YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_NAME

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Clio 6.0.47 - Unlocking Deployment Flexibility


We're thrilled to announce that Clio now supports publishing your applications directly to your file system!

This gives you incredible control over deployment, perfect for custom integrations and tailored hosting environments.


Try it with the following command:

clio publish-app --app-name MyApp --app-version 1.0.0 --app-hub "'\\app-hub\store" --repo-path WorkspacePath

Clio create the following simple and intuitive file structure in AppHub


Plus, keep an eye out for our upcoming "AppHub" – a game-changing platform for managing and sharing Clio applications.

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The new release of clio v. and clio explorer version 2.0.58 provides a new exciting feature to deploy the latest version of Creatio available in the storage.

You need to create local or network storage  with following structure:

And add path to storage in clio config file:

It can be local or network path.

You can open the settings file via clio explorer ui or the command

clio cfg open

P.S: Deploy latest releases from storage also available via console command, detailed information about other option available at the following link

clio deploy-creatio --product studio --db pg --platform net6


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Due those schemas usually have the EmailBody binded and this is a large string is very difficult to found the name of the binded templates, this is due Creatio show its names centered in the row where they are.


Suggestion, could export the data binded in those schemas or select which columns to see (not binded ones),


For example see the image



Good Idea!


Although I do have a strong technical background, I would prefer a more user-friendly "no-code-way" of creating data bindings.


I like the flexibility of the existing data binding feature, but it would be awesome for a lot of people to have the functionality to select what they want to bind and the system does the heavy lifting and generates the technically necessary data bindings.


For instance, if the element that should be bound to the package is an email template, then you would just select the template and the system creates the bindings for you. The same applies to workplaces, dashboards, reports (incl. reports table and the word template), lookups (including their manager), etc.

Robert Pordes,


Yes please !

Very well put. For a nocode tool, there still a lot to be implemented. A lot of great new stuff with Freedom UI but still quite some things missing for it to be truely nocode.






Thank you for your suggestion, we have registered this idea for our R&D team and such functionality may appear in future.

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