Время создания

Clio version was released. Now, you can add packages to the workspace with auto generate composable application descriptors.


// Init clio workspace
clio createw
// Add package to workspace
clio add-package MyApp -a True


If you have one application in the workspace, new packages will automatically be included in it.


// Init clio workspace
clio createw
// Add package and app metadata to the workspace
clio add-package MyApp -a True
// Add a package to the workspace and include it in MyApp
clio add-package MyPackage


This command can be used to add several applications to one workspace.


// Init clio workspace
clio createw
// Add first app to workspace
clio add-package MyApp1 -a True
// Add the second app to the workspace
clio add-package MyApp2 -a True


P.S: Error of work with temp directories in multiple Clio instances at one time was fixed

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Clio release provides a command to create a state manifest for the Creatio instance and store the configuration of web services and feature states.


clio save-state "D:\manifest\myinstance-creatio-manifest.yaml" -e MyInstance


Storing this file in Git can be used to control instance changes. In future releases, the manifest file will store sys-settings values, applications, and packages, and it will also clone environment settings to clean Creatio instances.


P.S: Also the ability to work with HotFix mode was added to Clio commands. To enable/disable it use the following command


# To enable hot-fix mode for a package  
clio pkg-hotfix <PACKAGE_NAME> true -e <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> 
# To disable hot-fix mode for a package 
clio pkg-hotfix <PACKAGE_NAME> false -e <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> 


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Clio release extends the ability to configuare your Creatio environments in a GitOps manner. Now, you can configure the URL address of WebServices in the manifest file.

  url: https://production.creatio.com
  - name: GoogleAnalytics
    url: "https://google.ca"
  - name: FaceBookAPI
    url: "https://facebook.com/api"
# list of applications
# list of application stores
# list of sys-settings and value
# list of features

Also, we extend the Clio commands and add abilities to see all web services, and their addresses

clio get-webservice-url -e <environment-name>

Improvements: From release, you can set the working directory for Clio via the Environment variable CLIO_WORKING_DIRECTORY. 

<your workplace>/tasks/set-clio-working-directory "c:\Temp\ClioWorkDir"

It helps avoid problems with CI\CD pipelines when you can't access default temp directories.


COMING SOON: In the next release, a "save-configuration-to-manifest" command will be released

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Clio version allows managing system settings on the Creatio instances via a manifest file. Text, Boolean, Integer, Date Time, and Lookup value (by Guid or Display value) are supported

Add section setting to the manifest file.

  url: ************************
  authappurl: *****************
  - code: "SETTINGS CODE 1"
    value: false
  - code: "SETTINGS CODE 2"
    value: 10
  - code: "SETTINGS CODE 2"
    value: "My_Text"
 # list of installed apps
  # list of installed apps
 # connected app hubs
To apply manifest to your environment, use the following command.
clio apply-manifest C:\my-configuration.yam -l user-p pwd

Clio explorer version 2.0.61 provides two experimental features for discovering and comparing feature states between two environments.


P.S. Managing  WebServiveUrls via manifest and Comparing two configurations that are coming soon. Clio command set-settings also was improved, and  you can avoid setup Type of sys-settings in an update scenario and set the Lookup value via display value 


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I am seeing lots of advancements in Creatio nocode but also in the evolution of clio & clio explorer with visual studio code . There are still cases where either some small things need to be developped and Creatio is still a sensitive tool that needs to be debugged also by no code creators.

Anybody else would love to have more up-to-date official e-learning videos, guided learning, corporate training on how to best develop on Creatio using best practices, how to make the best use of clio & clio explorer ?

Kind regards,




Perhaps these links will be useful to you:



Best regards,


Hi Malika,

Thank you for the links, it's a start. But a more structured & up-to-date advanced training/documentation/recommendation are needed.

The video is a good example, but it relates to Creatio from 3 years ago. Since then Creatio has evolved a lot (with different backend behavior), Clio also and Clio explorer also.

Official structured training/tutorial tracks from Creatio would be more than welcome and necessary, rather than having to dig through academy / community / github in an unstructured way.



P.S. : Advance-Technologies-Foundation: is it Creatio or 3rd party ?

Damien Collot,


Excellent idea indeed!


I have just discussed internally with my colleagues that while a lot of information is available on the academy, the community, and the GitHub readme/documentation of clio, we miss a training that clearly points out how this all works together and was meant to be used.

Ultimately, the software vendor should provide best practices and guidelines!




Damien Collot,

Thank you for providing this great suggestion. We have already forwarded this idea to the responsible team for Clio, for consideration and creation of additional newer Clio training videos and tutorials.


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