The section edit page is displayed as a detail page

You may encounter an issue when converting a detail into a section, where the pages do not change as expected. In the wizard, it appears as if it's a section, but the actual page that opens is the details page.

The issue was caused by the feature of the architecture of interaction of schemes in the application. The object will be able to contain one Edit page or more if the page type is enabled (different pages are designed for different use cases based on the information that is filled in while creating a record). The current configuration only permits the addition of one page to both a section and a detail of an object. The described situation arose because the detail page was created before the added section. As a result of creating a section, two pages were added for the object in the system tables.

Upon opening the wizard, the system returns the first random page from the select query. This is why you may not see the correct page in the wizard.

For the solution, I recommend saving one page for the detail and for the section.


To achieve this, you should delete the record from the system tables and then re-save the edit page:

1) Find all edit pages for the problem object using this script:

select * from "SysModuleEdit"
where "SysModuleEntityId" in (
select "Id" from "SysModuleEntity"
where "SysEntitySchemaUId" in (
select "UId" from "SysSchema"
where "Name" = 'objec_code'));

2) Find and delete the detail edit page:

delete from "SysModuleEdit" where "Id" = 'id_detail_schema';

Before deleting, make sure to save the value from the 'SysEntitySchemaUId' column.


3) Delete the record in the table that connects the edit page and detail itself:

delete from "SysModuleEntity" where "Id" = 'id_SysEntitySchemaUId_step_2';

4)  Re-save the edit page using the section wizard.


As a result, you will be left with one edit page for detail and section.

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