
Upload Files to a Case

Good afternoon everyone. 

Currently I'm trying to attach files to a Case. In order to do so, first I'm creating a new File (using POST method) without any data, and then updating it's Data column. When sending the request I'm receiving "Unsupported Media Type" and also "Bad request". I followed this example with some corrections as it seems to be supported from a previous version:

Also, I would like to have any clarification on data support: I'm sending the attachments as Base64 and also as a bytes.

Any help will be appreciated. 


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Hello Ramon,

Basically, to achieve the task you should form a query to the FileApiService. 

I recommend you to check it by uploading the file to case in bpmonline and then check the query that was formed to upload the file in the network tab in devtools.

Also, how the query is formed can be checked in "FileDetailV2" client module.

Best regards,


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