Add lookup type field to an entity to associate organizational role

Hi Community!

How are you? I hope you can help me!

I have configured in Account two lookup fields with "VwSysRole" as dictionary to associate roles with the account

but after adding them, I can not update the entity (BD), it throws an error.

However, I have a business process that takes those values ​​as parameters to set Access Rights in certain situations, and that works correctly. For example, when an account is added

How could you update the DB or what dictionary could I set in those fields to be able to associate the roles with the account without generating inconsistencies in the DB?

King Regards,


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Unfortunately you will not be able to create a field linked to the VwSysRole view in the account object. VwSysRole is not a table. It's a view and it doesn't allow all of the operations that you can do with a table. 

Additionally, account is a unit that is not related to the system roles. Simply, you can't login with an account. Even contacts are not linked to system roles directly. 

Only admin units that you can find in the system section "System users" are linked to roles directly. Basically, when the system decides what permissions you should have, the system looks at the login credentials that you used and it doesn't look at your contact or an account.

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