Business Process: Edit record after an other record was deleted

I created a business process.

Firstly, I add a signal when a record was deleted.

Then, I read the data of that record.

Then, I read all record which was created after the deleted record.

Last, I modify the record on the previous step.

But When I active the business and do testing, I deleted a record but other records were not modified.

Can someone help me?






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Dear Nghiêm

Unfortunately, there is no possibility of using the information deleted to trigger the business process signal.  

This is the known issue when the process created upon deleting some object cannot use the information from the deleted object in future. 

We already have a suggestion registered for our R&D team to add the functionality which allows you to work with the deleted data in business process. 

Best regards, 


Hi Roman,

Thanks for your answer.

In my picture, I forget to change "Which event should trigger the signal?" to "Record deleted", but you get my issue exactly. 

Best Regards,


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