
Can't edit new records or delete old ones

Hello everyone!

We are working on a new section and have stumbled upon the following issues:

1.  New records can be created and saved but when one wants to view or edit them the system will not let you do this and instead it will show the new record page (see attached figures). 

2.  Records cannot be erased. We get an error message that says records can't be erased and we must contact the admin.

Do you know what might be causing it?


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Dear Ricardo,

The issue is more likely caused by the previously improperly deleted column or object from the system. The localizable strings of the existed column might store in the system such way and cause the problem. 

However, in order to give the exact reason, we need to investigate the issue through bpm'online support, since every case differs. As for your request to the support, it is currently in work and we will notify you about the result via email.


Anastasia Botezat

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