Change Supervisor pwd from SQL Server

Hi, somebody could help to me to change or delete the Supervisor pwd from SQL?

Thanks in advance,

Julio Falcon

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Dear Julio,

The passwords are stored encrypted in the SysAdminUnit table. You can directly change the password through the database only if you know its hash. The simple sql query would look like this:

update SysAdminUnit set UserPassword = 'your_hash'
where name = 'Supervisor'

In case you do not have access to the admin user and need to reset the password I would recommend you to contact the system administrator or a  support team.

Best regards,

Matt Watts

Matt Watts,Thanks Matt, what happens if i haven't the hash, can I create a blank pwd using 

update SysAdminUnit set UserPassword = ''
where name = 'Supervisor'

for other side, wich is the ID of the Supervisor user, is always in all db the same?

Thanks in advance

Dear Julio,

Yes, the hash for the password stays the same, and the password cannot be blank. 

Best regards,


Hello Robert, 

It would be better not to create hash manually. 

You may use this one if you need to insert it directly to your database. 

It's for the simple Supervisor password: "JSDCg18tavKu1PPRqdP6t.AgqDORMm2cT7oDjw66hML64avIF/Qa2"

You can paste it for the needed system user by running the SQL query mentioned in a few messages above in the thread. 

Kind regards,


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