
Contract type in 5.4

We have added a ‘Contract type’ field in the card of the Contract. Based on what is entered there, the card is being dynamically built (thanks to the support help). But now, we can’t edit the type after the Contract was created and Saved, and sometimes that is necessary. What and where should we change to have such ability?

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Hi Baha,

You should understand that there are risks to lose data from the card that is already entered into the fields that will be hidden if the card will be changed. That is why the ‘Contract type’ field is not editable.  If you still would like it to be enabled at any time then you need to:

  1. Go the Process of the ContractEditPage from Configuration:
  2. Find ‘PageLoadCompleteChildScriptTask’:

3. Open it and comment the line ‘Page.ContractTypeEdit.Enabled = IsNew && !Page.ContractKindEdit.Value.Equals(Guid.Empty)’:

4. Save changes to the Script task and publish the page.

Thank you, Olly. But will the Data from the hidden fields remain in the Data Base? For example, if I won't see those fields in the card of the Contract, I still can view them in the list of records, right?

Yes, Baha, that's correct. The data from the hidden fields remains in the Data Base and can be viewed in the list of records, exported etc.

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