
Creating user Company Employee Type

While creating company user I am getting message like "Unable to create webitel user for added employee". I ma not able to find the reason behind that can anyone please give me the reason behind that.

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Dear Amol,

The error occured as the Webitel account was not automatically created but the user was successfully added to the system. If you want to use Webitel telephony, you need to add the user to the Webitel users lookup.

Please follow this link to get more detailed description of the Webitel telephony settings.



Thnx Lily. May I know the use of adding in webitel lookup

Dear Amol,


'Webitel Users' lookup is the convenient instrument of checking and configuring all the telephony users in one place in the system. 

If you have a new user who needs to take advantage of the telephony, you need to go to this lookup and add it there. Also, in case there are many users in the system, you can use the lookup to check what phone numbers are taken already, and what contacts are they linked to. If needed, you may change the number for the specific contact there as well. 

Best regards,


Thanx a lot Lisa

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