Display Section Analytics Dashboards in Portal

Hello All!


We would like to display Section Analytics Dashboards in the portal, but we are having trouble making them appear. I have been able to get the Dashboard button to appear in our custom section, and it opens the Dashboard view, but no dashboards appear even though I have set the permissions for external users to view the dashboards. 


The Main Portal page displays analytics dashboards, so what must be done to allow the Section Analytics Dashboards to display in the portal. Is there a certain file or files that must be overridden and altered to allow for the display of the dashboards, and if so, which files and methods? Any guidance would be much appreciated!


Thank you!


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Hello Chris,



This is an expected behavior of the system.

As for now, there is no way to add a "Dashboards" section to a portal and we have a suggestion created for our R&D team on this topic.  

It doesn't depend on the type of portal license distributed to the user and it can't be done via OOB tools. 

Currently, dashboards can be added only to the portal main page, using the "Set up portal main page" tool in the system designer.


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