
Filtering main section filters by contact type

I want to filter a lookup based on contact to show only a role: 


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Dear Daniel,

You can add a role column to the contact section view and use main section filter to look for the contacts with the required role

If you are talking about the system users and organizational roles, you will have to build the extended filter. Here is the example -

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Hello dean, 

Thanks for the answer. 

This is a section other than contacts. 

I need to choose 1 contact to filter it by and show only this contact's information. 

The issue is that the filter shows all contacts and not only employees. 

What I need is a filter on the lookup so that when I am looking for an employee named "erik" I do not have to see other 20 clients named "erik" 


Dear Daniel,

Since you need to filter contacts, the section is still based on contact object. You will still have to build the advanced filter to filter. It is better to create a separate folder for employees and set up this filter Thus you will be able to look for the employee easily. Here is the example of whole section view and using the filter 

One more solution is to use quick filter by account 'Our Company'. This is system account used of employees only.

It would not be possible to show only employee when filtering all contacts only by identical names since the search indexes all records by the name column in the database table. Your section would need to have only employees and no clients. 

Also there is the out-of-the-box section 'Employees'. You can use it to find the employees faster

Best regards,


I think i didn't explain myself. 

I do not need to filter the role. I need to fitler by an especific person.

On the orders section (Or any order) I want to se all order owned by "Erik" 

But on the main filters if i write: "Erik" The list of contacts with that name is huge. So to find the 1 employee that works with us its a bit of a hassle. 

Dear Daniel,

Please accept my apologies for the late reply. 

It would not be possible to show the 1 contact with the name Erik since the system looks for all records with the contact name Erik and will show you all the results. You would need to add some other condition to the filter, that would be unique for this contact. It is better to use at least the full name filter (with the last name) that would help you to close the search results in.

Best regards,


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