Get the most high parent company of a given company ...


In my client module, i want to get the most high parent company of my current company ...

how can i get that ?

Thanks in advance,

Davyd REY

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I have created a Table Sql Server function to get the "master company" of a given company but how can i call it from esq in my client module?

Hi Davyd, how do you identify whether company is parent to your company or not. What parameters do you compare?

Hello there : i have found a way to get the top most account of a given child account (i have created a sqlserver function) but now, i want to execute that sql script from my clientmodule : SELECT * FROM fnGetMasterAccount("<child account id>")

How can i execute it and get the record obtained from ExtJS client module (ESQ?) ?



Dear Davyd,

You can find the examples of execution and getting the query results from ESQ in our Academy -


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