Hide "Search Contact" of Command Line

Hi everyone!

How are you? I hope you can help me!

I want hide the "Search Contact" option of the Command Line

How can I do this? I attached image


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It's possible only by c# development. If you need to avoid users from seeing contacts, you can set that up in the "object permissions" section.

Hi Eugene!

how are you?

Thanks for your answer!

How can i do this by c# development?

I can not restrict access because internally by code I use contact data. If I restrict access, I could not work with that data

King Regards



The functionalify is in the getDefaultCList method in the CommandLineModule schema. It's a base schema and you'll not be able to override it in a way that we use for overriding pages and sections. Please investigate the base documentation of Ext.js and find a way on how to change the method. https://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/

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