How to attach email that's being sent from a [ Send email ] element in business process to the contacts receiving the email

Please help!


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Hello Chani,


Please check this Marketplace solution. I believe it has the exact functionality you are looking for.


Best regards,



Thank you but I guess I wasn't clear.

I don't need to attach attachments to the email, I just need to connect the email to the contacts that get it. So I'll be able to go to the contact in Creatio and find the email through the history tab.

Chani Karel,


Unfortunately, it's not possible to implement using out-of-the-box functionality

Best regards,


Hi Chani Karel,

I think what you want is a default feature in the "Send email" element since 7.18.2.

1. If you select the sent method as "Send email automatically", check the checkbox "Create activity".


2. The "Email Connections" will show after step one. Click on the "+" sign and depend on situation add your section you would like to connect this email.


In step 2, you do not have all the sections you can connect. But for contact it should be in your list already.


Once you configured these steps, after the email has been sent, you should be able to see them from history tab.


Hopefully, this will resolve your problem.




Cheng Gong

Cheng Gong,

Thank you so much!

It's is a default feature. I just didn't know where to look in the contact emails.


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