How to change color of the particular column value in section list upon some condition

Hello community,


    How can i change the color of a "Finish deadline" (Code:"UsrDueDate") column on some condition in section list page. As mentioned in the below picture.



I am able to change the color of entired row.

I reffered to this link "…" to change the color of entire row but i need only a particular column.


Thanks in advance.




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Hello Manideep,


item.columns.ColumnName (ColumnName should be replaced with the needed column) object has no "customStyle" property so it won't be possible using the approach from the article you've shared.t


Additionally the issue is that we could theoretically try using custom CSS, but the issue here is that the grid columns have autogenerated IDs so it will be a complex task to get the element needed in the document to set a custom style. Please use the the approach with marking the whole grid record with some color instead.

Hello Manideep,


item.columns.ColumnName (ColumnName should be replaced with the needed column) object has no "customStyle" property so it won't be possible using the approach from the article you've shared.t


Additionally the issue is that we could theoretically try using custom CSS, but the issue here is that the grid columns have autogenerated IDs so it will be a complex task to get the element needed in the document to set a custom style. Please use the the approach with marking the whole grid record with some color instead.

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