
How to modify a link column property of a detail schema with a list?

I have a detail schema with a list configured with wizard, where one of its columns has a link, I want to modify the caption of that link because it takes up a lot of space. From where can you modify that? Both on the page and in the detail schema, I did not see any code associated with the definition of columns in the grid. 

The table associated with the detail schema is filled by an external process.

 Attached image.

Thank you!


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The code that creates a link is in the "addColumnLink" and "createLink" methods in the GridUtilitiesV2 schema. Please feel free to override the schema and modify the methods in order to process the text field data in the way that you need.

I modified the "CreateLink" method in my  "GridUtilitiesV2" schema modifying the Caption and Title Property and it does not work.

createLink: function(entitySchemaName, columnPath, displayValue, recordId) {

var moduleStructure = Terrasoft.configuration.ModuleStructure[entitySchemaName];

var entityStructure = Terrasoft.configuration.EntityStructure[entitySchemaName];

var attribute = entityStructure.attribute;

var pages = entityStructure.pages;

var cardSchema = "";

if (pages && pages.length > 1 && attribute) {

var type = this.get(columnPath + "." + attribute) || this.get(attribute);

var typeId = type ? type.value : type;

Terrasoft.each(pages, function(page) {

if (page.UId === typeId) {

cardSchema = page.cardSchema;


}, this);


if (Ext.isEmpty(cardSchema) && pages && pages.length > 0) {

cardSchema = pages[0].cardSchema;


var URL = [moduleStructure.cardModule, cardSchema, "edit", recordId];

var link = Terrasoft.workspaceBaseUrl + "/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#" + URL.join("/");


return {

caption: "Documento",

target: "_self",

title: "Documento",

url: link




Do I have to add the schema as a dependency or do something else in my UsrSchemaDetail?


define("UsrSchema1Detail", [], function() {

return {

entitySchemaName: "UsrConceptos",


diff: [],

methods: {}




Thank you so much!


Ezequiel Rául Gómez,

Did you manage to solve this issue? I have the same problem...

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