
Internal server Error

Hi All, 


Does anyone have an idea why am getting this error.

500 - Internal server error.

There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

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It seems like you have an on-site application and you deployed it not correctly. Try to deploy it again. Please be carefull with workspaces. The numbers of the workspaces on IIS should match the munbers of the workspaces in the application.

Thanks Mark, I was able to login as supervisor with no error but not as any other user


A number of reasons may cause this issue.

You need to check whether the user is active, has all needed licenses.

The user needs to be a part of an admin unit (all users), also check access rules if you have any records in range of allowed IP addresses.

Check the password expiration date (maybe the password has expired).

In case you checked, all the above-mentioned and all the terms are followed please write to Please add screenshots of all of the tabs on the User page to your case.

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