

Hello to all!

How can I turn off the in-app notifications? 

We do not need to be notified about birthdays of contacts. 

I have found documentation about the noteworthy event notifications 


however, I don’t have any idea regarding how it can be turned off at all. 

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Dear Foeil,

You can turn it off in 2 steps:

  • Run this script in configuration in order to turn off the feature generating the reminders:

DECLARE @featureCode nvarchar(50) = 'UseLookupInvoiceForSupplyPaymentDetail';

DECLARE @featureState bit = 0;


--insert into Feature(code, Name) values (@featureCode, @featureCode)

DECLARE @featureId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = (SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM Feature WHERE Code = @featureCode)


MERGE INTO AdminUnitFeatureState t1 USING (SELECT 1 FeatureId) t2 ON (t1.FeatureId = @featureId)

WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE  SET SysAdminUnitId = 'a29a3ba5-4b0d-de11-9a51-005056c00008', FeatureState = @featureState, FeatureId = @featureId

WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Id, SysAdminUnitId, FeatureState, FeatureId) VALUES (NEWID(), 'a29a3ba5-4b0d-de11-9a51-005056c00008', @featureState, @featureId);


  • Turn off the Business-process "GenerateAnniversaryRemindings"

With best regards,



I only have the Customer Center module and there is no such feature (UseLookupInvoiceForSupplyPaymentDetail). Please advise.

Am I right to assume that the feature that needs to be disabled is 'GenerateAnnyversaryOnSave' (typo in the name btw), not 'UseLookupInvoiceForSupplyPaymentDetail'?

Please confirm that if I disable 'GenerateAnnyversaryOnSave' feature for all roles in the AdminUnitFeatureState, only the birthday notifications will be disabled and nothing else.

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