Object to inherit access premissions from

Hello, please help.

There are 2 objects, in both access rights on records are configured. In the 1st object there is a field "lookup of the 2nd object", it is necessary that - if a record from the 2nd object is selected in the record of the 1st object, then users from the second object are added to the record of the 1st object?

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Hello colleagues,

Yes, it's necessary to provide the user with access rights to both objects.

Otherwise, this column may be empty for the user.

Best regards, Alex. 

Aleksei Efimenko,

THank you for your answer, but I think we didn't get each other.

For instance , we have object 1- opportunity, and object 2 - product,  the product has relationship with opportunuty - 1:N, so there is a lookup field in opportunity for product.

The question is:

Can I configure user rights as when User 1 has access righs to particular product, it will has acess rights to opportunity also.

So if I have Opp_1 and related with him product_1 in that opportunity. If User 1 has access rights to product 1, I need him to have acess rights to its opporunity.

Gevorgyan Tigran,

Unfortunately, no, the user won't have rights to opportunities where certain products are assigned.

Best regards, Alex. 

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