Performing a calculation on a dashboard

I’m looking for a way to display, on a dashboard, the result of a calculation between two fields within a record. The metric type would be perfect, except it only allows count, sum, average, min/max and only of one field. 

The general recommendation of adding a field and performing the calculation there, but just report on it via the dashboard, won’t work.  Specifically, I’ve got a custom field in an activity that is either “billable” or “not billable”  what I’m trying to do is calculate the utilization rate (billable/total hours).  The problem is that each activity stands on its own — it’s either 100% billable or it’s 100% non-billable.  Until those numbers are aggregated, the calculation is meaningless.  But I can’t find/come up with away to perform that calculation and report on it via the dashboard. 




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Hi Damon,

Have you tried Calculated charts/Calculated metrics application for bpm'online? It allows to calculate data using formulas so it might be helpful for you. 

Best regards,


Hmmm.  I’ll give it a go and see.  Thanks for that recommendation. 

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