
Rating scale from 1-10 in order


we are creating a survey so that the user giver a rating from 1 to 10, but the lookup of the numbers gives them in the order: 1,10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. 


Is there a way to put them in the correct order? We have tried to introduce number emojis, but we are having the same problem. And the star emojis we feel that are overburdening.


I would be open to any kind of alternatives.


Thanks you in advance,

Best regards.



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If the lookup is a dropdown list, not a popup dialog, then you can sort the lookup. However, since the values in the lookup are actually text, you'd need to add another column to the lookup that is type integer so you can sort by that value.

  1. Add a new integer column to the lookup (for example UsrOrder)
  2. Edit the lookup items to add a numeric value to sort (1-10)
  3. Add the code below to the page containing the lookup to order the lookup items (make sure the lookup is a dropdown)
// Assuming your lookup column in this case is UsrRating
// Adjust the name of the attribute to match your lookup column name
attributes: {
    "UsrRating": {
        lookupListConfig: {
            orders: [{
                columnPath: "UsrOrder",
                direction: Terrasoft.OrderDirection.ASC


Thank you very much Ryan!

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