
Try To add Account filed in opportunity getting ERROR


I am try to add ACOUNT FILED to opportunity page then i am getting below error.

Unable to save schema. Name: OpportunitySectionV2. Caption: Section schema: "Opportunities". Error: ItemNotFoundException. Item UId not found.. Contact system administrator.



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We cannot identify what exactly happened to OpportunitySectionV2 schema by this error. To make the Section wizard work properly, please do the following:

1) In case you added your custom code to OpportunitySectionV2, please comment it, save and try to save changes in Section wizard.

2) If you did not modify the code in OpportunitySectionV2, please export it to your PC, delete from the configuration, save any other schema in configuration, relog in to the system and try to save changes in Section wizard.

3) Please also check the System designer -> System settings -> Current package. There should be 'Custom'. 

Best regards,


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