
Validation for excel imports


we would like to include a validation por excel imports, so the moment you are importing data on to Creatio, a sort of popup appears asking you "Are you sure you want to upload 30k registers?". The thing is we can control the creation of registers manually easily, however with excel imports you can only control it if you dont give permissions to the object, but you can't validate if you are importing by mistake 100k instead of 5k.


Thanks in advance,

Would appreciate any kind of help, or other alternatives.


Best regards.

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Hello Francisco,

Adding validation to the file import is possible only by developing a new validation code.

To start, I recommend looking at the base validation logic in schemas FileImportValidationService and BaseFileImporter. In there you can fund method Validate.

If you want to add a custom validation you need to override these schemas with your logic.

In your case, the popup window must be added before the logic of this schemas. You should look at the method _saveChangedColumnsMappingParameters and the methods that it's calling in the schema FileImportDuplicateManagementPage. 

I cannot tell for sure what method in this schema you should override but if adding the popup is even possible then it must be somewhere in this schema.

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