Which are the events of a field that can be handled in FreedomUI?

Hi all, 

I'm seeing several examples of how to handle the click event of a button in FreedomUI.


Was wondering which other events can be handled in the controls. I'm interested in the lostFocus or blur event of an input field. Is there any way to handle that event?

Where I can get documentation about all control events that can be handled?


I also saw some examples about handling any change of any viewmodel property. I-d like to handle view events for specific controls.


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Hello Andres!


Unfortunately, there are no specific event handlers for the fields.


But you can create your own handler for the blur event using the "handlers" schema section of the Freedom UI page or a remote module.

This request should be bound to the “blurred” property of the input field in the “viewConfigDiff”:



Also, the list of the generic query handlers is available here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/front-end-development/freedom-ui/client-schema-freedomui/references/handlers


Example of the invoking the query handler - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/platform-customization/freedom-ui/page-customization-basics/examples/change-where-the-query-handler-is-invoked



Best regards,



Thanks! Actually the "blurred" property is what I was looking for.

Is there any documentation in which I can see all the properties that can be bound for a field, in the same way we can bind blurred?



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