Workflow Error Message: Value for argument "previousFlowElement" must be specified.

I'm getting this error message for a workflow with a simple trigger.


Terrasoft.Common.ArgumentNullOrEmptyException: Value for argument "previousFlowElement" must be specified.

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FlowParallelGateway.Accept(FlowVisitor visitor, FlowElement previousFlowElement)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FlowVisitor.AcceptFlowElement(FlowVisitorQueueItem queueItem)


I trigger the workflow as a sub-process and pass the Opportunity ID. For test purposes I trigger the flow directly from the opportunity which is when I get the above error message.




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Hello Oliver,


Can you please contact Creatio technical support team ( asking to check the process for you?

I believe we should have a closer look at the situation. Please, make sure you create External Access for the website or share the backup of the instance if that is on-site deployment.


Thank you!


Best regards,



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