
I want to color rows in a list page whose date has passed (Freedom UI).

I tried to add a css file to my list page. I followed this article, but I still have a problem. When I look at the page's inspect, I see that a line has been added with a link to the file I added (
I would appreciate help.

Thanks, Smadar

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Can you give more specifics? Is the CSS not being applied to the page?

As long as the steps in the article are followed it does load the CSS on the page. The CSS itself would determine whether or not it actually applies to any elements.

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Hi all,

I want to remove the drag drop feature in the attachment detail for a particular section in Freedom UI.

Could you please help me with this?

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To remove this feature in a particular section, add '"droppable": false' code in the values part of the FileList viewConfigDiff element in that section formpage.

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Hey community,

          The issue is that I have a quick filter field, and when the zoom-in % of the screen is at 75% or greater, the field dropdown visibility is not proper. I'm trying to modify the CSS so that it works irrespective of the screen zoom. Is there a way to do this?


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Please provide a screenshot of how the issue looks on your end.

Hi Mira Dmitruk,


In the image provided above, the screen zoom level is below 75%, resulting in the Quick Filters dropdown appearing correctly.

In the image above, with the screen zoomed in beyond 75%, the Quick Filters dropdown remains inaccessible, unless the filter is double-tapped, thereby revealing the dropdown.

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I need to change the Delete functionality on a list, to be a logical deletion instead of a physical deletion. 

Is that possible? 

Could I use a Business Process to cancel the delete process and mark the row as "deleted" ?

Thanks in advance,


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Hello Ignacio,

Unfortunately, it's not clear what you mean by logical deletion, could you please describe the task in more detail?

Sure. I want to add a column called "IsDeleted" or "Deleted" that is marked to true when the record was deleted by a user. Then another process with process that deletion and do the physical deletion.



When you initiate the deletion of a record, it will be permanently removed from the system, and this is a fundamental logic that cannot be changed.

However, you can add a logical field at the record level, for example, "IsDeleted", and instead of deletion, users can utilize this field. Then, configure a business process with a "delete data" element: 

This element will handle the deletion of such records.

Thank you for reaching out!

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Hi all, 

I'm trying to make a freedom UI Form readonly. 

I know there are "Make Readonly" actions for input controls, buttons, etc, but I want to change the behavior of a grid inside an Expansion Panel.

- I don't want users to be able to delete a record.

Is that possible?

Thank you,


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Best reply

https://customerfx.com/article/adding-row-action-menu-items-to-a-creati… this article tells you how to add items to the row menu, and also that if you override the row menu to add your own it will remove the default ones, so you can just override the row menu with nothing (so no row menu) or with just the ones you want to keep (e.g. just the Open option, removing Delete and Copy to make it ready only).

https://customerfx.com/article/adding-row-action-menu-items-to-a-creati… this article tells you how to add items to the row menu, and also that if you override the row menu to add your own it will remove the default ones, so you can just override the row menu with nothing (so no row menu) or with just the ones you want to keep (e.g. just the Open option, removing Delete and Copy to make it ready only).

Harvey Adcock,

Thank you Harvey! This exactly what I need. I will give it a try. 
Will let you know!


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Dear colleagues,


I need to trigger a process to search for all pending approvals in a Freedom UI section, but I have not found a Visa object connected to Freedom pages. How can I approve all pending approvals connected to a specific object in a FreedomUI section via a process?

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Found, it is a single object for all entities: Approval, in the column "Reference schema name" must indicate the name of the object of the section where the Approval belongs and in the column "Entity identifier" the id of the object....

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I have a validator function with the "async" flag set to true.  It is working however the error message is not showing when the record is saved and the validation fails.

		viewModelConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_MODEL_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"path": [
				"values": {
					"UsrCaptainReportsTo": {
						"modelConfig": {
							"path": "UsrYachtsDS.UsrCaptainReportsTo"
						"validators": {
							"CaptainReportsTo": {
								"type": "usr.CaptainReportsTo",
								"params": {
									"message": "'Captain reports to' must be an affiliate in the yacht's affiliates list."
		validators: /**SCHEMA_VALIDATORS*/{
			"usr.CaptainReportsTo": {
				"validator": function (config) {
					return async function (control) {
						var validated;
						validated = false;
						return validated ? null : { "usr.CaptainReportsTo": { message: config.message } };
				"params": [
						"name": "message"
				"async": true


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We've reproduced the issue in 8.1.3 and the only possible way to use the validator now is to use it synchronously (using "async": false). Our R&D team has created a task to fix this bug in future application releases and took it in progress. Thank you for reporting this issue to us and helping us in making the app better!

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Is it possible to sort the quick filter list you get displayed with code in Freedom UI? I can see there is no way to do it through no code currently, but is there a handler that can be overridden to add sorting to the resulting list? Would be very useful in some circumstances. Maybe it will be done on the load data step using crt.LoadDataRequest in some way? Not sure what the config items that would need to be added to the request would be though.

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Hello Harvey,


Could you please elaborate on your business task? 

Simply, we need to sort the values displayed in the Quick Filter. In this case it's because the quick filter values correspond to periods in the client's period calendar, and we want to show them in descending order so that the current period is the first item in the list (the values selectable are the ones before the current period, so sorting by name descending would suffice, but it would definitely be useful to have a generalised way of sorting quick filter options).



Thank you for clarifying. There is no such OOTB option. However, I've registered the idea in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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Hey, Community

I'm trying to implement a custom filtering logic for quickfiltering of records and to do the same i'm trying to retrieve the value  from the request using the crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest. However, the value is being logged as Proxy(nt) due to security reasons.  I'm wondering if there's a way to bypass this limitation in order to obtain the desired result for a custom quick filter. I've attached some photos for reference.

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Hello Vishal,


Please clarify what task exactly you want to achieve. Do you need to get the filter itself?

Hey ,Oleg Drobina,

While entering the value in quick filter, dropdown values need to be filter based on first letter. 

For ex: if i enter 5 , it should show the values start with 5. 






Understood, thank you!


As an option you can change the value in the StringColumnSearchComparisonType system setting to 0 and relogin to the app. In this case the filtration will be performed using the "Starts with" option. There is no inbuilt comparisonType property in the component metadata and the system setting is applied to all filters in the system (in this case if you need to use the "contains" option there should either an advanced filter used or use comparison with the % symbol "like '%5%')

Thank you, Oleg Drobina.


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Cheers to all.

I'm developing my custom UI component in Angular and I need to get some data from Creatio database inside of my component. I discovered there is EntitySchemaQuery class in Creatio's sdk, so I decided to use it, but I'm stuck when I need to retreive data with that ESQ as I didn't find method for that. In classic ESQ there was getEntityCollection method for that. Could you please suggest how do I retrieve data from the database? Either using ESQ or other class, but user's authorization matters.

Here is the code of component.

import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, 
        ViewEncapsulation, EventEmitter, SimpleChanges  } from '@angular/core';
import { CrtViewElement, CrtInput, CrtOutput, EntitySchemaQuery,
          ComparisonType,  AggregationType, AggregationEvalType, isGuid} from '@creatio-devkit/common';
  selector: 'usr-input',
  templateUrl: './input.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./input.component.scss'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom
/* Add the CrtViewElement decorator to the InputComponent component. */
  selector: 'usr-input',
  type: 'usr.Input'
export class InputComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor() {}
  /* The input recordId. */
  public recordId!: string;
  /* Add decorators to the EventEmitter<string>() event. */
  /* Track input value changes. */
  public valueChange = new EventEmitter<string>();
  ngOnInit(): void {
  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (isGuid(changes["recordId"]?.currentValue)) {
      let esq = new EntitySchemaQuery("ClvObject");
      esq.addAggregationFunctionColumn("Id", AggregationType.Count, "AppCount", AggregationEvalType.All);
      esq.filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(ComparisonType.Equal, "ClvProject", this.recordId, "currentFilter");
      let record = esq.getMetadata();


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The EntitySchemaQuery classes in the devkit don't do anything, at least not how it is exposed. The ESQ classes require an executor class that actually *runs* the query and provides the connection. We don't have access to this, the executor that runs the ESQ is not part of the devkit sdk. This is intentional/by design since they want us to use the new Model classes instead. This better anyways, the Model class is far easier and more intuitive IMO.

The intended way to get data now is the Model class, which is in the devkit sdk. Here's some articles on the topic: 

Model Query Using Filters: https://customerfx.com/article/querying-data-using-filter-conditions-vi…

Model Query for a Single Record Given it's Id: https://customerfx.com/article/retrieving-a-record-via-the-model-class-…

Also, the model class does inserts/updates/deletes:

Inserting a Record: https://customerfx.com/article/inserting-a-record-from-client-side-code…

Updating a Record: https://customerfx.com/article/updating-a-record-from-client-side-code-…

Deleting a Record: https://customerfx.com/article/deleting-a-record-from-client-side-code-…

Copying a Record: https://customerfx.com/article/copying-a-record-from-client-side-code-u…

You can also use the Model class to get an object's schema:

Get Object Schema: https://customerfx.com/article/getting-an-object-schema-using-the-model…


Hi, Ryan. Thanks for quick reply.

Maybe you could suggest how do I need to prepare aggregate columns for the query using Model class? I tried it as described below

  async ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (isGuid(changes["recordId"]?.currentValue)) {
      const dataModel = await Model.create("ClvObject");
      const filters = new FilterGroup();
      filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(ComparisonType.Equal, "ClvProject", this.recordId, "currentFilter");
      const records = await dataModel.load({
//        attributes: ["Id", "ClvName", "ClvType", "ClvProject.ClvCommissioning"],
        attributes: [{ 
          aggregationConfig: {
            aggregationFunction: AggregationFunction.Count,
          type: "aggregation",
          path: "Id",
          name: "AppCount",
          caption: "AppCountCaption",
          dataValueType: DataValueType.Integer
        parameters: [{
            type: ModelParameterType.Filter,
            value: filters

But instead of getting one record with one column "AppCount" containig 2, I get two records each containg "Id" and "AppCount" 

Ok< I found out the way. Looks like aggregationConfig isn't yet working well and functionConfig should be used instead. Here is working exampe.

  async ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (isGuid(changes["recordId"]?.currentValue)) {
      const dataModel = await Model.create("ClvObject");
      const filters = new FilterGroup();
      filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(ComparisonType.Equal, "ClvProject", this.recordId, "currentFilter");
      const records = await dataModel.load({
//        attributes: ["Id", "ClvName", "ClvType", "ClvProject.ClvCommissioning"],
        attributes: [
            type: "function",
            path: "Id",
            name: "AppCount",
            caption: "AppCountCaption",
            dataValueType: DataValueType.Integer,
            functionConfig: {
              aggregation: AggregationFunction.Count,
              type: "aggregation",
              aggregationEval: "all",
          parameters: [{
              type: ModelParameterType.Filter,
              value: filters

And result

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