hi guys i have an error in ssms when i add user as a local then add a log in user then when i execute in iis its appear an error say's that user id error?? any help 

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Please contact our support team directly at support@creatio.com and describe the issue in detail there so we could help you resolve this.

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I'm trying to create a popup to display to users after they start a new session (log in).  What is the simplest way to do this? 

There is a new business process called "User sessions" in the CRT Base package.  Is this something I could use for the purpose of displaying a popup after a new user session is created?

I was able to create a custom user task that displays a popup and call it with a business process with a simple start but cannot figure out a way for it to be triggered to display to a user when they start a new session.

Any guidance is appreciated.  Thank you!



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Sessions are created directly in the database by Insert and do not generate an event on the object. Business processes rely on events at the object. If it is not the happening process will not notice any changes. As for now, there is no option to track start/end of the user session via the process signals. Our R&D team responsible for this functionality is already working on implementing it in the future releases. I will forward your feedback to the team in order to increase the importance of this task.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Is there any possibility to put an image as a background in the Creatio Login Page ?


Best regards,


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Best reply

Hi Sasori,


It's possible, but proper css should be created:

what was done is adding the image to NuiLogin.aspx page css (add body elemnt there):

		.font-preload {
			position: absolute;
			opacity: 0;
		.font-preload-open-sans {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans";
		.font-preload-open-sans-light {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Light";
		.font-preload-open-sans-bold {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Bold";
		body {
			background-image: url("783px-Test-Logo.svg.png");

and put this image to the root directory of app binary files. Only css should be modified in case you don't need to repeat this image and to set the size for it.

Hi Sasori,


It's possible, but proper css should be created:

what was done is adding the image to NuiLogin.aspx page css (add body elemnt there):

		.font-preload {
			position: absolute;
			opacity: 0;
		.font-preload-open-sans {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans";
		.font-preload-open-sans-light {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Light";
		.font-preload-open-sans-bold {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Bold";
		body {
			background-image: url("783px-Test-Logo.svg.png");

and put this image to the root directory of app binary files. Only css should be modified in case you don't need to repeat this image and to set the size for it.

Oleg Drobina,

Thanks for the explanation Oleg, 

I tried all the steps but still the image is not showing in the background of the login page.

1- Modified NuiLogin.aspx file (path : inetpub\wwwroot\creatio\Login)

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="NuiLogin.aspx.cs" Inherits="Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader.Login.NuiLogin" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="<%= PageDirection %>" culture="<%= LanguageCultureName %>">
<head runat="server">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
	<meta name="fontiran.com:license" content="LAXSN" />
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		.font-preload {
			position: absolute;
			opacity: 0;
		.font-preload-open-sans {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans";
		.font-preload-open-sans-light {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Light";
		.font-preload-open-sans-bold {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Bold";
		body {
			background-image: url("test.png");
	<div class="font-preload">
		<span class="font-preload-open-sans">_</span>
		<span class="font-preload-open-sans-light">_</span>
		<span class="font-preload-open-sans-bold">_</span>
	<form id="IndexForm" runat="server">

1- Added test.png image file in ( path - inetpub\wwwroot\creatio\)

Sasori Oshigaki,


Strange, this approach worked in my local app perfectly. Maybe there is an error message in the console when trying to reach the Login page and it will provide more details? Or maybe the image is empty? Also try restarting the application in IIS.

Oleg Drobina,

Just fixed it Oleg

The mistake was the path of the image ( got it from console window)

The image should be placed under this path :


Thanks a lot for the help


Sasori Oshigaki,


hm, in my case it requested the root directory of the app when I was testing it. Anyway, it's good that the console message answered the question!

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I am trying to access a local Creatio instance(deployed in Localhost port 9010 ) from Android Studio Emulator. I am using the URL to access my actual machine based on


While Logging in I get an error

While Debugging:


Type: Terrasoft.SyncException
Message: An error occurred while synchronizing
Stack trace: 
Type: Terrasoft.Exception
Message: Could not complete request
Stack trace: 
com.creatio.core.net.RequestException: Could not complete request
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestExceptionFactory.create(RequestExceptionFactory.java:28)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.getRequestException(Request.java:418)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.post(Request.java:355)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestItem.execute(RequestItem.java:30)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.doExecuteRequest(RequestManager.java:181)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.executeRequest(RequestManager.java:173)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.post(RequestManager.java:87)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.post(RequestManager.java:75)
	at com.creatio.core.service.Service.post(Service.java:133)
	at com.creatio.core.service.MobileMetadataService.load(MobileMetadataService.java:52)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.downloadMetadata(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:225)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.loadMetadata(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:86)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.startSync(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:57)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncAdapter.synchronize(SyncAdapter.java:55)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.runSyncAdapter(AppSyncAdapter.java:121)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.syncMetadata(AppSyncAdapter.java:296)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.syncAllMetadata(AppSyncAdapter.java:153)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.startSync(AppSyncAdapter.java:60)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncAdapter.synchronize(SyncAdapter.java:55)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.runItem(SyncRunner.java:259)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.doRun(SyncRunner.java:250)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.run(SyncRunner.java:129)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.run(SyncRunner.java:101)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.runSync(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:102)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.syncApp(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:356)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.lambda$execute$6$com-creatio-cordova-plugin-tssynchronization-TSSynchronizationPlugin(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:67)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6.run(Unknown Source:6)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919)
Caused by: java.net.ProtocolException: Expected leading [0-9a-fA-F] character but was 0x9d
	at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.Http1xStream$ChunkedSource.readChunkSize(Http1xStream.java:463)
	at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.Http1xStream$ChunkedSource.read(Http1xStream.java:437)
	at com.android.okhttp.okio.RealBufferedSource$1.read(RealBufferedSource.java:372)
	at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:133)
	at java.io.PushbackInputStream.read(PushbackInputStream.java:186)
	at com.creatio.core.util.StreamUtils.writeToOutputStream(StreamUtils.java:32)
	at com.creatio.core.net.DownloadRequest.readResponseInputStream(DownloadRequest.java:68)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.connect(Request.java:65)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.post(Request.java:340)
	... 27 more
Type: Terrasoft.Exception
Message: Expected leading [0-9a-fA-F] character but was 0x9d
Stack trace: 
java.net.ProtocolException: Expected leading [0-9a-fA-F] character but was 0x9d
	at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.Http1xStream$ChunkedSource.readChunkSize(Http1xStream.java:463)
	at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.Http1xStream$ChunkedSource.read(Http1xStream.java:437)
	at com.android.okhttp.okio.RealBufferedSource$1.read(RealBufferedSource.java:372)
	at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:133)
	at java.io.PushbackInputStream.read(PushbackInputStream.java:186)
	at com.creatio.core.util.StreamUtils.writeToOutputStream(StreamUtils.java:32)
	at com.creatio.core.net.DownloadRequest.readResponseInputStream(DownloadRequest.java:68)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.connect(Request.java:65)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.post(Request.java:340)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestItem.execute(RequestItem.java:30)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.doExecuteRequest(RequestManager.java:181)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.executeRequest(RequestManager.java:173)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.post(RequestManager.java:87)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.post(RequestManager.java:75)
	at com.creatio.core.service.Service.post(Service.java:133)
	at com.creatio.core.service.MobileMetadataService.load(MobileMetadataService.java:52)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.downloadMetadata(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:225)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.loadMetadata(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:86)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.startSync(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:57)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncAdapter.synchronize(SyncAdapter.java:55)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.runSyncAdapter(AppSyncAdapter.java:121)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.syncMetadata(AppSyncAdapter.java:296)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.syncAllMetadata(AppSyncAdapter.java:153)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.startSync(AppSyncAdapter.java:60)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncAdapter.synchronize(SyncAdapter.java:55)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.runItem(SyncRunner.java:259)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.doRun(SyncRunner.java:250)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.run(SyncRunner.java:129)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.run(SyncRunner.java:101)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.runSync(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:102)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.syncApp(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:356)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.lambda$execute$6$com-creatio-cordova-plugin-tssynchronization-TSSynchronizationPlugin(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:67)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6.run(Unknown Source:6)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919)


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Unfortunately, we cannot help you with this problem because we don't use local environments via Android Studio. But, I can say that this is in fact possible. I managed to connect to localhost using

Please take a closer look at the article you provided, maybe you missed some setting.

Also, look at this post, I hope it can help you fix this error.

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We have cloned the Ext dev(with no internet access) from our internal dev env which is working, but now on external dev, i am not able to log in. 

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Hello Adil,


Please double-check all features that are enabled for the machine where IIS server is deployed (according to the Academy article here). Once done, please redeploy on-site application from scratch using clean binary files (which can be received from the support team at support@creatio.com).

It is as a must to use clean binary files (not those that can be provided by support in case you request database backup of some application to deploy it locally, but out-of-the-box files).

Also, please double-check the connection parameters to the database in connection. Since incorrect database connection parameters, the Strings config file can also lead to login issues.

And finally, please check if you haven't specified HTTPS as a redirect method for your application in IIS and if it was appropriately configured in the configuration files.

localhost cannot find ViewModule.aspx after login.

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Hello Creatio Community!

I can not acces the Portal. This happens when I try to login as e Portal user. Printscreeen below 

This is time-sensitive. Thank you in advance 


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Best reply


also, please check if the "State of feature" is included in the lookup and that both "Feature" and "AdminUnitFeatureState" have operation permissions enabled in the Object permissions section.


Best regards,


Hi Petrika,


Please make sure that both the "EnableCustomPrefixRouteApi" and the "UsePortalDataService" features are active in the system. To do that,

run this script:


select * from AdminUnitFeatureState where FeatureId = '17ED5BE9-CA87-42A4-A761-3466DBABF925' or FeatureId = '45D7102E-42D5-4E61-ADF8-77F00CD2F3E8'


Please note that the FeatureState column needs to be equal 1 and the SysAdminUnitId has to be equal '720B771C-E7A7-4F31-9CFB-52CD21C3739F'


The "EnableCustomPrefixRouteApi" feature enables web services custom routing and restricts SSP user access services without the /ssp prefix.

And the "UsePortalDataService" one divides services into the portal and non-portal ones.


Best regards,



Still doesnt work Max. Select query


Still the 403 response

What should i do ?




In the inner web.config file please check the following line:

<add key="UsePortalDataService" value="true" />

it needs to be set to true.

Also, please check the "List of objects available for portal users" lookup if the "Bpm’online functionality" is included in it.


Best regards,



also, please check if the "State of feature" is included in the lookup and that both "Feature" and "AdminUnitFeatureState" have operation permissions enabled in the Object permissions section.


Best regards,


Thank you very much for the professionalism Max.

Feature and AdminUnitFeatureState didnt have permissions. This solved the issue.

Best Regards Petrika

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Dear Team,


We are facing "unexpected token r in json at position 0" error when we try to login after providing the username and password, on inspection we found the error "as attached".


Did notice similar community post https://community.creatio.com/questions/unexpected-token-json but this is not similar to my issue. Here we are not able to navigate to home page after providing the username and password.


Question : Is there a way that user profile is affected and how to fix this issue?


Thanks in advance!

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Could you please write to our technical support so we could take a closer look at the issue?

Just email us about your problem at support@creatio.com.

We will investigate it in your particular environment.


Thank you,


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Hi Community,


Have you tried triggering a business process after successful login? Any idea please?

Like 1



Hello Fulgen,


Could you please elaborate a bit on your business task? Would you like to start execution of the business process based on the active user session in a system?


Looking forward to you reply!

Best regards,


Hi Fulgen,

Maybe our way allows you to solve your task:

We make scheduled process (every minute) and check if there are unprocessed records in 'Audit log' with Type = 'User authorization' and Result = 'Authorization'

Before you need to add new field 'Processed' to 'Audit log' object in order to set it to True when record is processed



Thank you for all your reply, I need to start the event after successful login. I believe crm is saving session record somewhere else. Can I use this object to trigger the event? What is this object and the field name I want to start a signal using this.

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Hi Community!


We use LDAP with SSO as authentication in our customer's onprem installation.

So the users are used to log in using their Windows username and password and don't have a separate creatio login.

However, the creatio app doesn't support this login method, which is understandable, since there is now windows user context on the phone.


I was wondering how others are dealing with this problem. Is it even possible to use LDAP and creatio authentication side-by-side, because it seems to be either or?



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Dear Robert, 

Yes, it's possible to enter the mobile application in case if you have SSO configured on your website and it is set as a default login method. 

In order to enable SSO in mobile application you need to enable the system setting with code "MobileUseSSO"

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,


we have enabled the option and the "login as domain user" link appears in the App!


However, we get the following error message when trying to log in with the domain users:



Is there something special to set up on IIS maybe, besides the Windows Authentication?


Thanks and best regards,


Dear Robert, 

Can you please register a case for our support team so we could check the LDAP configuration? Cause there can be several reasons for such error message. 

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,

Hi Roman,


it's an on-prem installation, so that will not work really...

LDAP is working in the browser, so I guess it is set up correctly.


Any hints?




Dear Robert, 

The option to login as a domain user is option available as part of NTLM authentication which isn't available in mobile app. 

For application you can use standard, SSO or LDAP authentication. 

Thank you. 

Roman Brown,

Dear Roman,

how can we use LDAP users with NTLM authentication on mobile?

Because as I have written in my original post, there is no option to set a password when selecting the LDAP option.


What is the system setting "MobileUseSSO" is exactly expected to do?




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Hello community,

I have the following task: to show a window to the user with information (a warning about the confidentiality of personal information) during each login.

I tried to create a process that runs when a new entry is added to the "User session" object, but it has never triggered.

Please advise how to implement this task.

Thank you.



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Hello Mariia,

Do you see any errors in the console about "You're trying to decode an invalid JSON String". That task sends a message to the client using the ServerChannel. In 7.17.0 and 7.17.1 a change to the OmniChat broke this when a non-JSON message is sent, so it's possible you're seeing a side effect of that issue. *If* you're seeing that message in the console about "decode an invalid JSON string", I posted a fix you can implement in this thread: https://community.creatio.com/questions/new-bug - (I don't know for sure if that is the issue you're seeing - it could be that "User session" isn't showing a signal)


Hello Ryan,


Thank you for your reply.


We are already aware of this error (we have made corrections in the code), so it is not related to our problem.

Our problem is that the process doesn't run on this trigger at all, because when a user logs in, the insertion into SysUserSession is done using Insert request, which causes the events not triggered.


Do you have any ideas on how to implement such a task?

Thank you.



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