
I am currently trying to edit an account info page and am running into an issue. I want to create a field with options in a dropdown format, but so far, I have not seen any way of doing so. 

Is this something I did not see in the documentation, or will I need to use the booleans to ensure my users can select their needed options?

Any help is appreciated. I appreciate any help you can provide.

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In the context of Classic UI, the Lookup view is configured on the page editing page. By selecting the "List" parameter, this lookup will be displayed as a drop-down list.

Regarding configuring this option for a detail with an editable register, currently, this can be implemented using development methods. More details are described in another post on the Community:


Thank you for contacting us!

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Hello community!

I have created a new Section, which has a detail inside. When I click New, I dont want the detail to appear in the page. ONLY after clicking Save the detail should appear in the page.

Is this possible in Creatio? If so what are the possible customizations that I should do in the JS files.

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Best reply

Hello Petrika,


You can add the code below to the edit page of your section to hide a detail when a record is added (in my example the detail had the "Detail to test" caption):

getDetailInfo: function() {
				var detailInfo = this.callParent(arguments);
				if (this.isAddMode() && detailInfo.caption == "Detail to test"){
				return detailInfo;

Best regards,


Hello Petrika,


You can add the code below to the edit page of your section to hide a detail when a record is added (in my example the detail had the "Detail to test" caption):

getDetailInfo: function() {
				var detailInfo = this.callParent(arguments);
				if (this.isAddMode() && detailInfo.caption == "Detail to test"){
				return detailInfo;

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks for the great help Oscar!

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Hi community

is it possible to change the background color of a single cell on a detail conditionally ?

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Hello Stefano, 

Feel free to refer to this answer on out community: 


You'll need to implement such method in the detail page schema, and

change background color in your CSS module. 

Best Regards,


Hi Yuril

thank you for you suggestion.

I know the suggested articles.

I need to change the background color of a cell in the detail grid based on the value of some fields of the detail row, but I don't know how to get it.

Stefano Bassoli,

You can conditionally style a list row based on conditions in the data, however, the list/grid in Creatio doesn't support adding style to specific cells. To style a list row based on conditions in the data of that row, refer to this article 



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I am wanting to put a new Detail Section on an Account level tab which shows all of the products purchased by that account. 


I have tried to find a Detail which will show this, but all of the following do not allow me to tie to the Account and therefore are all empty on the page:

  • Order Products
  • Product in Order

Using Orders, does not then when I edit the columns allow me to display the information I wish to display which is currently:

  • Order
  • Order Date
  • Part Number
  • Category/Product Family
  • Product Name
  • Qty
  • Price Sold

I would appreciate some guidance on how I can achieve this.




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Hey Mark , In the detail page of the details you want  , add the accounts lookup and associate it on accounts page using the account lookup and Id. 



Hi Shailey


Thanks for your reply, but I am not following sorry.


When editing the page and tab and adding a 'New Detail' I cannot get the Account option in those expected to allow the connection to these data fields to be available and display data:




Would you be so kind and expand on your guidance, so I can follow and apply to our installation please.


Many thanks


Hello Mark,


As was mentioned by Shailey, at first you need to add the detail and after that set the detail page up to have the connection/lookups between needed sections of the system (like Accounts and Orders). For that you need to open the Section wizard in the Account section and create the detail in the appropriate tab (or create new one):


After that you should open any record in Account section and go to the seetings of just created detail:

In the detail settings window you can open the Detail Page and add needed lookups:


After configuration is set, don't forget to save changes. Then you need to open Account record and set the needed columns for the detail (use Column setup):

Order, Order Date (Date), Qty Price (Product in order (by column Order) - Quantity), Sold (Total, base currency).


As far as there is no strict connection between Account and Products (any account can have any products and different types of product), there is no possibility to show the Product name in the new created detail. That's why we can suggest to open the order and check the connected products there.



Best regards, 


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Can I make details records editable based on conditions? For example, records with colA=1 can be modified, but records with colA<>1 cannot.

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Try to add async validators into the edit page linked to the detail. 

Please investigate the asyncValidate in the BaseEntityPage and the asyncValidate method in the AccountPageV2. 

You'll probably need "messages" to get information from the detail main page. 


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