The folder setup area for mail synchronization is not wide enough to display the folder tree


The folder setup area for mail synchronization is not wide enough to display the folder tree. As a result, the folder names are displayed as a column with one letter only.


The setup page contains an invisible side panel that was hidden back in version 7.2.0, as a result, only 40% of space is provided for the folder tree. Besides, PageDesignerUtilities styles are applied to the page, which leads to displaying the setup area on half of the page.


This functionallity was changed completely starting from version 7.7.0, which ensures correct displaying of the folder tree. For versions 7.6.0  and earlier, replace the MailboxFolderSyncSettingsModule module with complete copying of the code, delete styles for the left-container class, add a new style:

#mainContainerEx {
     width:  100%;
     padding-top:  7px;
     margin-right:  40px;

In the source code, replace Id and the mainContainer selector for the mainContainerEx selector.

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