Getting back to default edit page in 7.7.0


Version 7.7.

We modify a page, e.g., of an Account. We add our columns and delete the standard ones.

Afterwards, we want to get back to the default page. For example, we delete the file of the replacing page via configurator. It worked OK in previous versions, all we had to do was to clear the cashe and cookies and recompile everything.

In this version, it does not work. How can we fix it?


This is connected with using bpm'online bundles starting from version 7.7. The bundles contain all schemas of pages and sections. Simple deleting of a replacing page schema of a section does not change the bundle. To revert to the default page, create an empty replacing client module for the needed page.For example, for the "Leads" section page, it wll look as follows:

define("LeadPageV2", ["BusinessRuleModule", "ConfigurationConstants"],
    function(BusinessRuleModule, ConfigurationConstants) {
        return {};

Afterwards, save the created module and clear the browser cache.

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