
Different ways to run a process in bpm’online

Hi Everyone,

Today I would like to describe you 4 different ways to run a process in bpm'online:

Running a process from the command line

To run a process, type the command "Run process" in the command line followed by the name of the process that you want to run.

Running a process from the side panel

To run a process, click this button  in the side panel and select from the list the process you want to run.

Running a process from the section or the record page

If a section has a configured list of processes which can be run in this section, then the [Run process] button will be displayed in the toolbar. To run the process, click this button and select from the list the process you want to run.

Running a process from the [Process library] section

To run a process, open the [Process library] section, select the process you want to run and click the [Run process] button.

Automatic process run

The processes can be run automatically when certain events occur. For example, when you add a new contact, change the account type or the activity state, etc. In this case, you don't need to run the process manually as it will be activated by the system. You can configure an automatic process run based on an event using Process designer.

Did you know about all of these options? You are welcome to ask questions in 'Comments'.

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Hi Olly,

Is there any way tu run a process automnatically due an specifi day of month?

I have this c# code in a an script task, but cannot do to it runs everyday

if ( DateTime.Now.Day == 14 || DateTime.Now.Day == 29 ) {
	return true;
	//Console.WriteLine("Hoy es {0}, debemos enviar alerta", DateTime.Now.Day);
 return false;


Thanks in advance

Perhaps trigering with some kind of script with cron?

You can find the functionality that you need in the SchedulerJobService module. Please use it as an example.


The comment from Eugene is perfect.

One quick related question, so : actually the ScheduleJobService only allow periodInMinutes parameter, is there any plan to upgrade it to allow a daily schedule with a start time ?


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