
Finding all active Business Processes that catch signals of the particular object

Hi everyone,

Probably each of us have faced a situation when you need to find all active business processes that react on the signal when you create, modify, delete records in the particular object. This task can become a hard one to be completed manually when there are dozens of the business processes in configuration. That's why you can simply run the script on your Database to get the complete list of active Business Processes that catch signals of the object you need:


For 7.x versions:

DECLARE @EntityChangeType table([Event] nvarchar(10), ChangeType int)

INSERT INTO @EntityChangeType

select Code [Event], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Id) [ChangeType]

from SysEntityChangeType

SELECT ss.Name, ss.Caption, [@EntityChangeType].[Event]

from SysEntityPrcStartEvent se

INNER JOIN SysSchema ss

on se.ProcessSchemaId = ss.Id

inner join SysSchemaProperty ssp

on ss.Id = ssp.SysSchemaId

inner join @EntityChangeType

on se.RecordChangeType = [@EntityChangeType].ChangeType

WHERE se.EntitySchemaUId in (

select UId from SysSchema where Name = 'Document' -- OBJECT NAME

) and ssp.Name = 'Enabled' and ssp.Value = 'True'


For 5.x versions:

DECLARE @EntityChangeType table([Event] nvarchar(10), ChangeType int)

INSERT INTO @EntityChangeType

select Code [Event], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Id) [ChangeType]

from SysEntityChangeType

SELECT DISTINCT ss.Name, ss.Caption, [@EntityChangeType].[Event]

from SysEntityPrcStartEvent se

INNER JOIN SysSchemaInSolution ss

on se.ProcessSchemaId = ss.SysSchemaId

inner join SysSchemaProperty ssp

on ss.Id = ssp.SysSchemaInSolutionId

inner join @EntityChangeType

on se.RecordChangeType = [@EntityChangeType].ChangeType

WHERE se.EntitySchemaId in (

select DISTINCT SysSchemaId from SysSchemaInSolution where Name = 'Account' -- OBJECT NAME

) and ssp.Name = 'Enabled' and ssp.Value = 'True'



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